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'Ani, I've told you this already. It's not something I can just outright teach you!' Sol reached down and grabbed her towel while defending her previous words. 'I'm only a Padawan, too, remember?'

'Most of the things you learn in training are from looking into the Force, right?' Anakin tried.

Sol ended Anakin's misery (or bliss) and pulled her towel over her shoulders. She held it around herself and left her legs bare. Anakin could handle this much and could now focus on persuading Sol to teach him how to use the Force like she does in battle.

'All I need is some guidance. Come on, it's not like we're busy with Jedi duties,' Anakin pleaded while also rolling his eyes. 'Do me this one favour.'

'Why should I do you any favours?' Sol said with her hands on her hips and with an inquisitive eyebrow raised. 'You make it your life's purpose to make fun of me. You should be doing me favours!'

'And I'll get you some new fingerless gloves or something,' Anakin shrugged and put on his most convincing smile. 'Come on, Solaris. I need to prove myself to Master Obi-wan and the Jedi Council. I want to be a Jedi Knight soon and this could be my big break. You're just so... talented with the Force.'

She huffed at the nickname. She knew that it was painful for him to compliment her, but it was what he needed to do in order to convince her further. She wasn't sure if it was even possible for her to teach Anakin in the way Master Yoda taught her in the ways of the Force, but at the mention of Master Kenobi, she thought about what the man had done for her. Obiwan had made it possible for her to finally have a ticket off Coruscant with this mission. It was something Master Yoda had never done for her, and if Anakin were to be promoted to a Jedi Knight, Master Kenobi would be extremely proud of his student. Perhaps this could be the favour she did for Obi-wan in return for his effort of granting her wishes.

'Fine, Ani. I'll teach you how to use the Force in this way.'

'Oh Force, you are... amazing,' Anakin clenched his teeth together but was able to let out the words Sol would never have thought she would hear from his mouth. She rolled her eyes and was already thinking of how she could possibly demonstrate how to use the Force like she did to Anakin.

'Oh, are you going to be doing some Jedi training?!' Padme called from the lake. The two Padawans had almost forgotten she was there (which the council would have keeled over at knowing). The senator rushed out the water with her face beaming, and grabbed her towel when she made it on to the shore.

'Can I watch? I know the perfect place!' she wiped at her skin with her towel and Anakin raised an eyebrow at her eagerness. Sol didn't see an issue with having Padme present but hoped that she was able to perform at her best with the watching eyes of a government official senator.

'I don't see why not,' Anakin said with light uncertainty. 'As long as you both get changed quickly.'

'You want to go now? Can't we just sunbathe for a little,' Sol whined. She had been enjoying the relaxation and found herself not wanting to jump back into Jedi training and duties.

'Yeah! Do you tan, Anakin?' Padme asked and Sol stifled a laugh. Anakin looked at the smaller woman with a blank face and turned away, which was a signal for the training to begin as soon as possible.

'No. I'm not a fan of sand,' he threw over his shoulder and Sol signed, following after him with Padme in tow.


Sol assumed that the place Padme had meant for their training was some sort of hall or courtyard in the town of Theed. But when the senator came out of her room in an orange dress that had a train behind her and drapes of fabric from her arms, Sol questioned her assumption. The senator led them out of the estate and a short distance away through some trees and forestland. Anakin dressed in his usual Jedi attire and Sol was the same, her hair in a braid down her back.

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