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'They're not dangerous, Anakin. Only those who have a strong connection with the light side of the Force during death can become a Force ghost.'

'It was watching her sleep! What does that tell you?'

'That perhaps it was watching over her, as opposed to being a menacing presence.'

Anakin was not satisfied with Obi-wan's reasoning but knew that there was nothing he could do. The two Jedi were sat at a table eating their small dinner before they would arrive in the Ahch-To system. The rations consisted of a nutrition bar and some soup, but it was tasteless to Anakin.

He had confined Sol to the cockpit after she was awoken from her nap to the sight of an ignited lightsaber at the foot of her cot. She would never be able to continue her sleep after that but questioned why she had to be in the cockpit with her dinner. Anakin didn't offer an explanation, and Obi-wan decided that he wouldn't elaborate on his prior statement of her being visited by a Force ghost in her sleep. Sol was confused and was left to watch the passing planets through the windshield as she slurped loudly at her soup.

'Who would want to be watching over her? Shouldn't we inform the Council?' Anakin rushed and Obi-wan crushed the wrapper of his finished nutrition bar in his hand.

'What for?'

'Because it was a Force ghost!' Anakin cried, not understanding why his ex-Master wasn't concerned at the surprise visit. 'Surely Master Yoda would want to hear if Solaris was having a ghost watching her sleep.'

'Force ghosts draw on Force signatures to be visible in our world, and its usually because they have something in connection to the person they're drawing from,' Obi-wan said with a sigh. 'Whoever was watching over Sol must have some connection to her. It's none of our concern. It's a personal connection for her to investigate, and her only.'

'But if it was drawing from Solaris' Force signature, how come we were able to see it?'

'We only saw its essence. If Sol had been awake, she would have been able to see who it was in all clarity.'

Anakin knew it was hopeless and let out a loud huff. Throwing his back against the cushioned wall, Anakin watched as Obi-wan finished his soup and stood up from the table. He mentioned that they should be near the Ahch-To system by now and headed towards the cockpit with his bowl and wrapper in hand. As the Master left, Anakin followed his figure before his eyes landed on the R2, who was sat with his front panel lit with its blue and red lights.

'You didn't see anything, did you, Artoo?' he asked in a last attempt, and the droid beeped a reply. Anakin scoffed at his answer and shook his head as he began to think that he was indeed being dramatic.

'Yes, because droids need their sleep, don't they?' Anakin rolled his eyes and R2 sassed him back in a series of boops.

Sol looked up when the sliding doors opened behind her and Obi-wan entered the cockpit. With her feet up on the wall of the ship, she held her bowl of soup in her lap while she sat in the passenger seat. She remembered her manners at the entrance of the Master and yanked her feet to the ground and sat up properly. At the hope for some explanation, Sol waited for Obi-wan to look her way from the controls of the ship.

'Obi-wan?' Sol said. 'I wanted to let you know that I think I had a dream in the quarters.'

'Oh? Do you not get those often?' Obi-wan's sarcastic, yet light-hearted, tone made Sol want to roll her eyes.

'No, I don't actually...'


'I meant that I think I may have been dreaming about the Force ghost.'

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