Ring at the doorbell.

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Talias POV

I hadn't been able to stop looking at Mia when she was here. I'd never seen her really wear a dress before. Mostly just sweaters with light blue jeans. And for her shoes she usually had air force 1's. Yes, the basic white ones. They make me cringe. But her wearing something else completely different threw me off quite a bit.

When she was here, I noticed her looking at me a lot. I was looking at her too but she kept staring at me. Maybe she thought I looked weird, or noticed I was wearing glasses? I never wear glasses in public because I hate how I look in them. I wear contacts instead to protect anyone from seeing how terrible I look.

I'm now laying in bed thinking about Mia which I never thought I'd be saying. I don't know why either because I hate her. I just wanna punch her in the face because it's very punchable looking.

I then sat up and grabbed my favorite movie off of my movie shelf. Time for a little rewatch. I put the disc into my dvd player. I skipped through all the previews and then finally saw the title Nerve pop up glowing on the screen and I hit play.

While in the middle of the movie, there was a ring at the doorbell. I paused the movie and got up shifting myself off of the bed.

I walked down the stairs and went to the closest window to the front door to see who it was.

I wasn't very shocked when I saw my best friends, Gigi, Jasmine, and Kale. Kale is a really buff football player that goes to the gym a lot of the time but is a total sweetheart. Jasmine is really into astrology and sports, she's smart and athletic. Really pretty. They're both extremely funny which is exactly why they're my best friends. And well, you guys already know Gigi. I love them all so much.

I opened the door and before getting to speak the three of them swung their arms around me into a group hug.

They know I hate hugs. Especially group hugs. They still decided to do it though. I backed off.

"Thanks for the warning," I glared. "What's the occasion?" I asked changing my expression to a blank stare.

"We missed you." both Jasmine and Kale stated at the same time then looked at each other in confusion.

I guess they didn't stage that so I just gave them a puzzled look.

"Well, do you guys wanna come in?"

"Sure!" said Jasmine. Kale and Gigi just nodded.

They all stepped in and took off their shoes as I shut the door behind us.

We all were about to go upstairs when my mom walked to the front door.

She was on her phone texting somebody, as usual. Probably a guy. Wouldn't surprise me.

"I'm going on a date, don't know when I'll be back, cya kid." She then put on heels and walked out the door.

I just looked at the door for a moment after she shut it. I then looked back towards the stairs and we went up. They both knew how my mom was.

We all got into my room and sat down in our usual spots for when we hung out.

"Yay! It's Nerve, I loveeee this movie!" Kale claimed as he searched for the remote.

"It really is, but it's already at the middle of the movie." Jasmine complained.

"Guys we've watched this movie a million times. I mean I don't have an issue with it! I love the movie but I'm just saying it wouldn't kill you guys to watch from the middle." Gigi had stated as she sat criss cross applesauce.

"Y'all I can just restart the movie." I laughed.

They all nod in agreement as I rewind it to the start and press play again.

We all spent over an hour watching the movie with our eyes glued to the screen. When we finished we were disappointed even though it was such a good ending.

"Anybody hungry?" I asked.

"Me!" Jasmine and Kale shouted at the same time once again.

"Okay, you guys need to stop doing that, it's weird." I requested and Gigi and I chuckled. Jasmine and Kale just smiled at each other.

We all walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

Surprisingly though, Tyson was in his room leaving me unbothered and Max was in her room on her phone. So that left most of the house for all of us.

"Oooo! Can we have tacos? Pretty please?" Kale begged.

"You know I love tacos, I can't just say no." I replied. I then cooked us all tacos. I loved the fact that tacos were all four of ours favorite food.

After I finished cooking the taco meat, we got everything else which includes taco shells, cheese, taco sauce, and other toppings.

We all made our tacos. I always go for just meat and cheese with mild taco sauce. Kind of basic but I just like them that way.

We then put our tacos on our plates and carried them over to the table. We sat down in our usual spots.

I was enjoying my taco when I heard a super exaggerated chomping noise.

"Really Kale?" I looked up and glared at him.

"What?" He asked while still chewing extremely loud. He was so overdoing it. I didn't have an issue with loud chewers but he just annoyed the hell out of me.

"You know what you're doing." I replied back crossing my arms.

Jasmine sat there just watching us while quietly eating her taco. Gigi was amused with the dumb situation and giggled.

"No I don't! Can you tell me what you're talking about?" He gave me a slight grin.
Oh that jerk, he totally knew.

"Stop chewing so loudly! You know you are." I explained.

"Ohhhhh," he hit himself in the forehead with his palm, "you meant that? My bad! I didn't notice."

I was very annoyed at that point so I just sighed and took another bite of my taco.

When we were finished we all went up to my room.
We picked another movie, a horror movie this time. Halloween to be exact, a classic. We pressed play on the new movie and started watching it. As soon as we started the new movie, I realized I had too much soda.

"I have to go to the bathroom, pause the movie!" I said urgently and ran out of the room.

As I walked into the bathroom, I heard the audio stop. Good, they actually listened.

When I was finished washing my hands, I made my way back to the room and noticed they were holding my phone and giggling. Shit. I left my phone alone with them?

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