See you Monday morning

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Mia's POV

I woke up and realized we both fell asleep in the driver side of my car. I just stared at her admiring how pretty she looked when sleeping. It's not that she didn't always look beautiful but it was almost like she looked more peaceful. She didn't look so angry or upset, like she always was. She was beautiful regardless though.

When staring at her, I got back to thinking about last night. I had never enjoyed intimacy that much. Why? I just had never been really thrilled. Out of all of the guys I've done things with, she was better even when we did the more simple things. I wonder how amazing it would feel when we have actual sex.

Suddenly, she started moving a bit and mumbled some words that I couldn't quite understand. She seemed so cute and I couldn't help but smile. She stretched out her arms a bit and then looked up at me.

"Well good morning there sleepy head." I said to her.
"I'm not a sleepy head, now shut the fuck up." She mumbled back and had squinted eyes. She was hot when she was angry or when she told me what to do.
Well, not in a 'I'm attracted to each other way' but more so in a 'she's a hot girl but I'm straight so it's not meant in a romantic way.' I still hoped she thought the same thing about me though or had gained romantic feelings. You may be asking why I want her to like me if I'm not gay. I'm still planning on manipulating and playing her.

"Hey, calm down, you're such a hot-head" I laughed and wrapped my arms around her to make sure she was secure so she didn't fall off the seat.

She groaned. "I'm so tired. I hate mornings." I did a half-laugh as a response and kissed her head. She moved back a little but I still kept my arms around her. "What's wrong..?" I asked feeling a bit nervous. "You kissed my head and it scared me for a minute, I'm too tired to function right now." She sighed and let out a short laugh. I just smiled at her and she buried her head into my neck. "I really enjoyed last night."

I felt myself getting red at the way she said that. "Yeah..? You did?" She nodded as a response and moved her hands to my waist. I got the most insane amount of butterflies. Why was I getting butterflies? Was it even butterflies if she's a woman? I wasn't gay. I couldn't accept this feeling. "Hey uhm.. maybe we should-" I got cut off by Talia's phone ringing.

"One sec.." she said and grabbed her phone from the middle column where it was set in a cup holder. She pressed the green accept button. "Hello?" There was a long pause. "Oh, yeah. Uhm-" there was yelling from the other side of the phone and I saw Talia's eyes go into panic mode. This was the first time her expression was so readable. I could tell she was either embarrassed of the fact she was getting yelled at with me hearing it all or she was scared of the person on the other end of the line. All I could tell was that it was a woman.

Suddenly, Talia said okay and hung up. "It was my mother. She's angry with me because I didn't come home last night. This is the first time she's ever really even noticed. She's usually over at some guys house." I saw the expression on her face. She seemed very worried and frightened along with being a bit confused.

"Do you need me to take you home right now?" She nodded and moved over to the passenger seat where she put on her shirt. I started driving after she put her seatbelt on and we basically sat in awkward silence. I turned up the radio so it wasn't as bad. She glanced at me a few times seeming like she wanted to say something. "Is something wrong, Talia?" She looked like she felt bad and seemed like she was trying to find the words to say.

"Well, I have this habit.. or well.. I don't know? This thing. And it tends to get really annoying. I was gonna ask if you could make sure the number for the volume, it's last digit ends in either a zero or a five?"

I looked at her confused and turned the volume up to 20 instead of where I had it at 17. "I'm a little confused, why does the volume need to be ending in a five or a zero..?

She sighed. "Well, I don't want to self diagnose, but I think I have some sort of OCD. I haven't gotten to go to the doctor because my mom doesn't care. But it's affecting some of my daily basis situations. Like for example, when I'm eating. If I'm eating a chip, I have to take five bites of the chip or else I think something's going to go wrong."

I looked between her and the road in shock. "Talia, that's really bad. You should probably see the doctor about that." I frowned.

"Well, I've wanted to, but I need to have my mom take me because I'm not eighteen yet. I can't just take myself in." I felt really bad for her because she's obviously aware of the fact it affects her daily, but how bad did it really get?

"Yes, of course that makes sense. I'm really sorry. I hope your mom can take you in for it." I stated feeling bad for her. She shrugged it off, "Yeah, I hope so too. But it's okay." And then half smiled and stared out the window.

I could tell she was masking her emotions and how she felt. Like many times before, she wasn't the slightest bit transparent. I never knew the thoughts going through her head. And that scared me.

I finally pulled into her driveway and put my car into park. She looked over at me and she seemed somewhat afraid about going inside the house. "Thank you for the ride, Mia." I smiled at her. "Of course, anytime." We sat there for a few moments looking at each other. She quickly leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Well, I'll see you Monday at school." I felt myself getting a bit pink-ish red in the face. "Okay, I'll see you Monday." She thanked me again and shut the door.

I waited for her to go inside her house and as soon as she slipped in through the doorway I pulled out of the driveway and went home. I spent the rest of the night thinking about her. How could Talia and I go from having such hatred towards each other to this?

I didn't mind it one bit. I just hoped she's okay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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