Chapter 17: Proud

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"Cody! Cody!" I turn around to Allie as she's running down the halls avoiding people.

"Guess what!" She rocks back and forth on her feet infront of me with a big smile.


"I got an A."

"No shit, really?"

"Mhm, look." She waves a peice of paper in my face.

"Hold the paper still and i can look."

"Sorry i'm just so excited." She giggles.

I smile as i take the paper and look at the big fat A on her test. I've never seen her so happy since we've moved here.

"I'm so proud of you Li, i knew you could do it."

"Thank you. For everything."

"It's okay."

I can't help but smile as warmness travels through me. I really am so proud of her. She's done well for herself.

"Okay i've got to go to PE but i'll see you later."

"Alright. Have fun."

"You too."


I'm sitting at the cafeteria with Brodie and Harry when Allie comes into the hall.

She only has a towel wrapped around her body. I assume which means she's naked. Fuck.

She storms towards Ellie as she sits at a table with a group of girls.

"Where the fuck are my clothes Ellie?"

The fuck?

I stand up and pull my blazer off and take off my school jumper that's underneath. I walk over and pull my jumper over her body. She looks at me with grateful eyes.

Ellie is silent staring at us.

"Where the fuck is her clothes, Ellie?" I sneer.

"I don't have her clothes."

"Shut the fuck up. I saw the note for me in your gym locker. Give me my clothes." Allie rumbles.


"They are in my dorm."

I place my hand on Allie's lower back guiding her out of here. I don't trust horny teenage boys around her naked body.

"She left a fucking note in her locker saying 'not here Allie' what a fucking bitch." Allie rants as we walk to Ellie's dorm.

"Fucking bitch." I rub her back up and down enjoying her touch.

We reach Ellie's dorm and go inside finding Allie's clothes. She changes in the bathroom and we go back to our dorm.

"I hate that girl." She whispers crawling into bed.

"I'm so fucking embarrassed." She mutters.

"Don't be. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, darling." I walk into the bedroom.

"I guess. I'm going to nap now. Can you wake me up for dinner?"

"Of course." I smile shutting the door.

" I smile shutting the door

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I love his pov

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