Lightning in a Bottle. ( Pt. 4 )

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[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

While the Royals and the Humans was busy getting lightning in a bottle Steve the blond oaf was sneaking inside Señor Uhl's office to get Aja's Serrator back.

Due to his own stress, he was panting all over the place as he hid beside the locker seeing if the coast was clear. Señor Uhl walked out of his office while looking down at his clipboard.

He sighed as he analyzed the information written on the paper. " I need a vacation. Hmm, maybe Cantaloupia might be nice. " Steve peeked his head out as he watched Señor Uhl walk away.

Shannon walked past Señor Uhl, ready to leave the school. " Hola, Señor Uhl. " She greeted Señor who only gave her a nod in acknowledgement.

" Hi, Steve. " She added, waving at the oaf who was facing the wall trying to blend in with it like a super spy.

" What? Where? " Steve asked as he looked at the wall. He then made his way towards the door, opening it.

He groaned as he peeked his head inside. " If I lose Aja's laser thingy, she'll never date me again. " He said as he sneaked his way inside the office.

" Now, where would Señor Uhl hide a death beam? " He looked around the room with his hands on his hips.

He quickly shuffled around the book shelfs, throwing the books or moving them out of the way. " Come on, Palchuck. " The oaf Cheered himself on.

" If you were a weird laser hoop thing, where would you hide? " He said as he kept on throwing things away thinking it'll repair itself. Maybe.

He looked under the table, sighing. He sat down on Señor Uhl's seat and groaned, holding his face in frustration. " Aja's gonna hate me! " He slammed his fists on the table.

At the same time when he slammed his fists on the table the lights went out making the oaf scream, whimper and pant due to his own panic.

He looked around the room frantically before looking down at his hands. " With great power.. " he gasped.

" Comes no power. "

( Inside Nancy Domzalski's House. )

" King to F-three. Take that. " Nancy said as she moved her chess piece, smiling at Varvatos.

" Finally, we have ourselves a game. " Varvatos said as he moved his piece. Smiling at Nancy before the lights went out.

The Royal have no involvement in this Town Black out.

Varvatos gasped and sat up from his seat. He groaned, dropping one of his chess pieces. He crouched down to take the piece groaning as he does before gasping, seeing a hole behind the Pet carrier.

" Great Gaylen's core! " He exclaimed as he looked at the hole that was behind the Pet carrier. There's no way of knowing where that little gremlin went, he must have escaped long ago.


Stuart drove pass neighborhood while munching on one of his Burrito's.

♪ Holy guacamole, My guacamole holy ♪

He sang with a smile before squinting his eyes seeing something tiny in the distance. Chompsky stopped in the middle of the road, looking at the incoming truck, frozen in his place.

Stuart screamed and stepped down on the breaks, trying his best to not hit whatever creature that is.

Chompsky only lets out a mischievous laugh in response. " What on Durio is that rogue lawn ornament doing with a Serrator. " He said with his eyebrows furrowed.

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