The Arcadian Job. ( Pt. 2 )

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( In Area 49-B. )

[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

When the coast was clear, the group finally got out of the truck, confidently walking out of their hiding spot. Krel and Y/n were on lead with the other following around them.

They stopped at their tracks when Stuart spoke up. " Sorry, one second, just.. " he tapped his chin, looking around the place.

" I've got myself a little turned around here. " He said, doing a full 360° spin as he looked around.

" Boogey at your three o'clock. " Ricky said through their communication devices.

" What? " Aja looked at her 3 o'clock, seeing a soldier come out with a neurometer in hand. They quickly went back to where they were Before and hid behind the wall.

Y/n quickly pulled Stuart with them making him shriek at the sudden movement. " You said you memorize the grounds during your escape. " Y/n said with her eyebrows furrowed.

" Did I? I did. Yes, I did say that. " Stuart said as he patted himself, searching for something. The pulled out a photo.

" It sounded good. I mean, I kinda remember it. It's been a long time. " Stuart defended himself, waving the photograph around as he does.

Aja let's out an annoyed growl as Stuart examines the picture in his hand. " And they have renovated. A lot. " He exclaimed as he looked at the unfamiliar buildings in front.

Y/n crossed her arms, rolling her eyes as Krel peeked his head out the wall. " This is a disaster! " He commented, looking around the area.

Stuart sighed. " I know. It's too industrial. " He agreed even though that was not what Krel is talking about.

He placed a hand on Krel's shoulder. " I'm more of a mid-century modern guy, myself. " he used his hands as if he's photographing what's In front of him.

Varvatos sighed before turning away to talk to Ricky and Lucy. " Ops team. " He called out through the Earpiece.


{ With Ricky and Lucy. }

" He wants carnitas and extra guac. 86 the onions, Daddy-o! " Lucy said as she looked at the orders written down on the paper In front of her.

" No onions. On it, mamacita! " Ricky said before giving her a Burrito.


" Any sign of the ship on the surveillance feeds? " Varvatos asked.


" No, siree, Bob. " Ricky said as he turned to the countless screens that was at the opposite side of where he was cooking.

Lucy walked to her husband's side. " And you know how much it breaks our hearts to disappoint you children. " She said as she leaned her head on Ricky's shoulder.

Lucy held her hands Infront of her chest while Ricky wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder. " Next customer! " She announced as she gave Ricky a new ticket.


Y/n patted Varvatos' bicep. " Ask if there's extra security in any buildings. " She said in a hushed tone.

Varvatos nodded. " Does there appear to be extra security around any particular buildings? " He asked with his eyebrows furrowed while right behind them was Stuart rambling around where is where.

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