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I hear loud banging making me sit up in bed. I head to my door anxiously. Artie texted me back to say he was up and Newcastle and getting home soon. I want to make sure it's definitely him and that he's okay. I open my flat door and peak my head out.

Artie looks up, his eyes full of concern. "Sorry, Callie. Did I wake you?"

My eyes widen as catch a glimpse of his face. "Artie. W-What happened?"

"Work." He shrugs, chuckling a little and then wincing and grabbing his side. "I'm sure I'll be alright once I've laid down."

"No you won't. Look at you!" I say, and step out my flat fully.

His eyes widen as he looks down at my attire of short shorts and a vest. "Fucking hell, Callie." He gasps, letting out a husky single pant.

"Sorry." I chuckle, crossing my arms over my chest. "It is summer." I remind him. I softly take his hand and pull him towards my flat. I walk him inside and let go of his hand whilst I turn away and lock the front door. I then drag him into my bedroom.

He drops his duffel bag down by the side of my messy bed.

I stand in front of him, looking into his eyes worriedly. I push him softly so he lowers himself on to the grey bed sheet. The entire time he maintains eye contact, making me nervous. "Stay there." I instruct. "Would you like some water?"

"Okay." He nods. He speaks quietly in a husk, sexy tone.

I gulp and leave the bedroom into the kitchen quickly. I pour him a glass of water after adding some ice, and carefully carry it back into my bedroom.

He's sat up on mattress, looking over at a photo on my bedside table of me and Mum smiling. It's from a few years ago, when she held a garden party once the lockdown restrictions eased in Summer of 2020. It was the first time I'd been able to see her in months.

"Is that your Mum?" He asks, picking up the photo. He runs his finger over my face.

"Yeah." I reply softly.

"She's prettier than I imagined." He chuckles. "I was picturing a troll."

"Don't be imagining my Mum." I scold him.

"Why? Jealous?" His right eyebrows cocks up.

I playfully sigh and roll my eyes. I grab the mahogany brown frame from his hands and place it back to where it should be. "Take your top off." I tell him.

His eyes widen for a moment with wonder and then softens to a playful look. "Damn. Alright, Callie."

I scoff. "I mean for your chest. I can tell you're in pain."

"Don't blame me for being hopeful." He says, pulling it off and lying down on his back on my mattress.

My eyes widen at the size of the bruise on his hip. I cannot help but let my eyes gander over his gorgeous abs and toned upper body. Jesus Christ. I gulp as I pick up some balm. I've been meaning to put it in the kitchen with all the other medication, but I used it about two weeks ago when I pulled my shoulder dragging my sofa about. I take a small nub of cream onto my pointer and middle finger, and bring my fingers to his hip. I begin to softly rub it over his ribs on that side.

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