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M A T U R E  C H A P T E R

I lower myself into the bed and roll over to face Artie. "What a day."

"Tell me about it." Artie chuckles, resting a hand on my hip. "I hope you've still enjoyed yourself."

"I have." I nod as I cuddle up to him.

"We need to discuss something." Artie mumbles against my neck as he tightens his arms around my waist.

I lean back a little, so I can see his face. "What?" I question worriedly.

"You called me your boyfriend earlier."

"Oh," I relax and smile softly. "That I did." I chuckle and nuzzle my head into his neck. "Sorry if it was weird and too soon."

"It wasn't." I hear him say.

He lowers his lips to my forehead and kisses me.

"Technically, you did say you were falling in love with me, so I think that means we are dating." I say, earning a laugh from him.

"Oh, does it?" He sasses.

I can imagine the smirk on his face.

"Well, I'm not accepting it." He adds.

I lean back so I can see his face again. "You don't wanna be my boyfriend?"

"I didn't say that. I just said I don't accept being your boyfriend."

My brows furrow with confusion. That's the same damn thing is it not? "And why is that?"

"You didn't ask me to be your boyfriend." He smirks.

I pull a face at him. "But what if I want you to ask?"

"Tough. You said it first."

I sigh, pretending to be annoyed. "Fine. Will you be my boyfriend?" I say quickly.

He smirks, aware he's winding me up. "Nope. You didn't ask properly. Again."

"Ugh!" I call out and sit up, crossing my legs and looking down at him. "Artie."

"Yes, Callie?" He responds, pretending to be dumb.

"Even though you can be a pain the arse, will you be my boyfriend?" I ask slowly, fluttering my lashes at him.

He chuckles and leans up, kissing me softly. "Yes." He mumbles against my lips and kisses me again. "Though I don't appreciate the attitude." He says, laying back down.

"You don't?"

"Of course I like your attitude. It makes you, well, you." He laughs again.

"Good." I sigh, laying back down next to him. "It's going to be hard leaving you in bed in the morning."

"It won't be for long. I'm going to look to get into work as soon as I can."

"What are you thinking?" I question, tracing his chest with my finger.

"Probably something that requires body strength. I'll play on my power."

"Hopefully, it's easy work to find."

"Let's hope so." He replies looking over at me. He sits up and kisses my lips. "My girlfriend." He mutters. "You're everything that I could want and more." He whispers against my skin, kissing down my neck. He adjusts himself and I find myself moving around to let him freely kiss at my neck.

"Oh, Artie," I moan whilst gripping his bicep tightly.

He leans back and rests his head against his pillow. "I said I would leave you alone."

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