chapter one

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WARNING- this fic takes place during d3 but a lot of d3 is not mentioned


WAKING UP IN THE MORNING is fairly easy. well at least for genny it is, when she sits up after sleeping in the morning her hair falls past her shoulders not a single strand out of place. she showered, got dressed and went to the dining hall for her strawberry and banana smoothie just as she does every morning, at eden hall academy.

while walking to the band room to practice her violin before class she heard the music of the band nirvana coming from the room, when she peaked her head inside she saw a boy. a boy she recognized from the show his hockey team put on the week before at the beginning of the year meeting.

eye contact, now they have made eye contact so she comes inside "i prefer in utero over nevermind" she states pulling out her violin.

"no way! nevermind is so much better than in utero!" the boy soon became ready to debate.

"i skip too many songs on nevermind, i listen to in utero all the time and skip like one song."

"nevermind was life changing!" the hockey kid stood up in objection.

"that is up for debate, i'm genevieve by the way, but you can call me genny," she winked at him

"fulton" fulton grumbled and crossed his arms, "agree to disagree?"

"yeah, agree to disagree" genny giggled, then opened up her folder for her sheet music "you and your friends made quite the introduction yesterday, almost topped when everyone got sick last year because of salmonella poisoning from the food in the kitchen at the pep rally"

"i think our introduction was very duckly" fulton stood up straight and crossed his arms.

"duckly isnt a word, and if thats how the ducks act normally then obviously the school is in for a multitude of problems."

"maybe i'll cause some problems just to spite you" fulton gave her a smirk and leaned on her music stand.

with a soft pink appearing on the cheeks of the teenage girl as she came up with a reply "hit me with your best shot, fulton"

"maybe i will, genevieve" he walked backwards at the door and gave a salute as he walked out, she then watched as he left and started to play her violin.


LUNCH TIME was another routine genny had down, grab your lunch, sit with your friends and work on some schoolwork. first was chemistry, then geometry, then-.

"hey genny, this guy wants to talk to you" one of her friends tapped her shoulder.

"who- oh fulton! hi!" genny said as she looked up "whats up?"

"i just had to prove that i know you, my team didnt believe me when i said i met a girl this morning." fulton laughed a bit.

"im not sure why you had to prove it you seem like quite the ladys man" she turned entirely too him and leaned on the table and then looked to fultons friends "the blonde one? hes cute"

"guy, yeah, he and luis make the rest of us look like dog shit." fulton shrugged it off.

"yeah yeah, give this to your asian friend for me, i saw varsity take his food today" she handed him half of a sandwich and and an apple then once again looked to his table and made eye contact with a certain blonde boy "tomorrow meet me in the music room after your hockey practice, im gonna play you one of the best albums ever."

"deal, but only if you promise to listen to my favorite albums ever"


I FINALLY FINISHED CHAPTER ONE, this took like four months

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I FINALLY FINISHED CHAPTER ONE, this took like four months. and some how my biggest regret is not making this a fulton fanfic.

drink water!! and take care of yourself please!!

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