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Thursday, November 9th, 1978
Robin Arellano (003)

⚠️TW: blood, abuse!⚠️
feel free to skip this chapter🩷

Tatum's POV

It was now after school and a few hours after the incident, and I really did not wanna go home. I needed some food so I stopped by Grab N Go to get a snack. I had like 5 dollars on me so I was able to get a drink as well. I got some Potato chips and a Dr.Pepper. As I was walking out, I saw the Pinball machine me and Vance would play on. He had his score still on it and no one was aloud to play it. It was now decoration. They had stuff all over it for Vance, like a photo of him, some flowers, and other stuff. I thought it was sweet.

It was now 3:40, Finney and Gwen went home, which meant I had to go deal with my dad. I walked up to my house, and tried opening the door. I forgot my key to the house, so all I could do was knock, since it was locked. No one answered. Great. I sigh, and roll my eyes. I started to feel a wet condensation on me, it's raining. Even better. I looked to check if my dads car was gone, it wasn't. He has a red mustang, which I think is nice.

I tried knocking once more, and again, no one answered. I then saw a black van driving past me through the corner of my eye. The same black van that I've been seeing for a few days now. Everytime I'm outside, or with my friends, even at school, the black van is there, either parked, or driving slowly. This time it was driving slowly then parked. I got scared, because I mean— who wouldn't ?? Especially with the grabber on the lose, you can never trust anything or anyone.

I then went around my house, hoping to see if my window was open. I didn't want to be here much longer. What was weird though, is that my dads car is here, but no one's answering the door. Strange. I saw the van pulling up into a drive away, my driveway. I made a run for it. I didn't even care if my window was open or not, I had to get out of that area.

I ran all the way down to Finney's, since he was really the only one I could go to. I could feel my arm and hip bleeding again, man I need to get that checked out. I banged on their door and Finney opened it. "Hey Ta—" I shoved right past him and pulled him away from the door and closed it. The black van started spending whenever I started running, that's why I immediately closed the door.

I was panting and barley could breathe. I was soaking wet since it was now practically pouring outside. "Woah what the— what's going on?? What happened?!" Finney asked grabbing on to my waist which made me wince in pain. "Are you okay?" He asks concerned gripping my waist tighter, which hurt even more. I pushed him away. "stop." I mumbled under my breath, then grabbed the wound. The white bandage soon turned to red. Since I come over here a lot, I just ran to the bathroom, Finney chasing after me. "What's going on?! Are you hurt? What happened?!" He asked a million questions. "Get out I need to do something." I say closing the bathroom door on him, but he shoves it open. "Tell me what's going on!" He demanded. I flinched. "I'll explain it to you later." I say covering the red bandage, but he obviously saw.

"What's wrong with your hip? Why is there a bandage there that's bloody" he said looking closely at it. I just ignored him. I took off my jacket and saw that the cut on my arm was bleeding tremendously more, way more red. I mumbled a curse word underneath my breathe. "Oh my gosh. What— what— happened?!" Finney stuttered. "Nothing! Get out!!" I say and shove him out and lock the door. He kept on knocking, saying 'let me in!' 'Why are you hurt?!' 'Tell me!' stuff like that.

I needed to get some stuff to disinfect the wounds, so I left the bathroom. I knew exactly where they kept the stuff like that. I was in my sports bra and jeans, with my cuts gushing out blood. I walked out of the bathroom and Finney saw everything. I shoved him out of the way and went into the kitchen. "Tay tell me what's going on, now." Finn said grabbing my arm. My eyes were now filling with tears. "I'm sorry Finn" I say pulling him to a hug. Some blood got on him, but he didn't care. I hugged him for a minute until I started feeling dizzy. I broke the hug. "Finney.." I say "yeah?" "can— can you go get me a banana... I feel dizzy" I say keeping my hands on his shoulders. Maybe I was dizzy because I was losing a lot of blood, or maybe it was I haven't ate, but I think it's the first reason. "Actually, get me something to disinfect these wounds." I say going to the bathroom.

𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ✪ 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now