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Set list 2:
Le Freak, CHIC- Performed by The New Directions
Gold Digger, Jamie Foxx & Kanye West- Performed by The New Directions
Push It, Salt-N-Peppa- Performed by The New Directions
Dancing In The Moonlight, Toploader- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Use Somebody, Kings Of Leon- Performed by Nicholas Henley
I Say A Little Prayer, Aretha Franklin- Performed by The Unholy Trinity
Take A Bow, Rihanna- Performed by Rachel Berry


The start of a new week, Nick still hadn't made a decision on whether or not he wanted to join the glee club. Watching them perform seeing how care free, how much fun they looked like they were having it made him want to, but still something was holding him back.

He had started making a conscious effort to get to school on time not wanting to feel the wrath of Quinn Fabray for him being late to science. He was stood in the parking lot at the back of his car waiting for the bell to ring, he watched as Finn helped Rachel drag along her bright pink suitcase in his number 5 jersey. To him it was comical the boy was obviously obsessed with her, he looked over and saw the quartbacks girlfriend death staring the pair, rage evident on her face.
"Morning Nick." Mr Schue shouts over, as Nick finger salutes him back.

Stood at his locker he's minding his own business but can't help but ease drop on Quinn's conversation with Finn.
"People think you're gay now Finn. And do you know what the makes me? Your big gay beard." Quinn expresses, Nick accidentally lets out a laugh and can feel the burn of the Cheerios eyes in the back of his head.
"Something funny Puckhead?" Quinn shouts over at him, Nick turns around with an innocent look on his face and points to himself, "Me? I'm just minding my own business. But now that you're asking... well like Finn said it makes him happy so let the boy be happy."
"See Henners gets it. Thanks for the support man." Finn says smiling at him as the two fist bump, Finn then walking off towards his lesson.
Nick turns back to Quinn and smiles sickly sweet at her, "See I get it Fabray."
She scoffs at him as he also then walks off towards his lesson, Rachel Berry's eyes following after him.


"Pops, pops you around?" Nick shouts into the empty ice rink.
"My boy. I was wondering when you were coming to visit me." Harold Henley replies, appearing at the other side of the ice rink.
Nick heads down hugging his grandpa who reciprocates.

The two sit in the empty seats looking out at the ice rink.
"What's on your mind Nico? I can practically see the smoke coming from your brain, it's working that hard. Is it a girl?" Harold asks smirking at his grandson.
"No, no, no, it's nothing like that." He quickly defends before carrying on, "It's just... well this teacher at school he's started, it's a glee club where you dance and sing..."
"I know what a glee club is. I may be getting old but my memories not gone...yet." His grandpa interjects causing Nick to roll his eyes.
"Well Mr Schue he thinks, he thinks I'm naturally talented. I don't know, I mean I love playing instruments and singing, but I don't want to be like my dad. I want to be me, pops, I'm being stupid, it's a stupid idea." Nick sighs, running a hand over his buzzed head.

"It's not stupid Nico. My boy you are Nicholas Henley, if you want to join the glee club then you join the glee club, don't let your fathers reputation hold you back. I'll be with you every step of the way." Harold earnestly tells Nick, making sure he hears every word of what he's saying. Nick looks at his grandpa trying to find any hint of a lie but there is nothing there,
"I'll do it, what's the worst that can happen?"
"That's the spirit! Now get your skates on boy practice begins in 5 minutes." His grandpa ushers him up and down the steps.

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now