Dance With Somebody

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How Will I Know, Whitney Houston- Performed by Santana Lopez, Rachel Berry, Mercedes Jones and Kurt Hummel
I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Somebody Who Loves Me), Whitney Houston- Performed by Brittany S Pierce with Santana Lopez
Saving All My Love For You, Whitney Houston- Performed by Quinn Fabray and Joe Hart
So Emotional, Whitney Houston- Performed by Rachel Berry and Santana Lopez
It's Not Right But It's Okay, Whitney Houston- Performed by Blaine Anderson
I Have Nothing, Whitney Houston- Performed by Kurt Hummel
Million Dollar Bill, Whitney Houston- Performed by Nicholas Henley and Quinn Fabray
My Love Is Your Love, Whitney Houston- Performed by New Directions

Dance With Somebody

Nick was hovered over Quinn his chain around his neck dangling, beads of sweat dripping down his face. Quinn was a vision below him, the moonlight illuminating her face.
"I want you... I need you." Her voice hoarse and sultry rings out.

"Nick wake up!" He hears a voice banging on his door. Nick groans, rushing to the bathroom for a cold shower.
"You okay iceman? Seem a bit off?" Walt asks taking a bite of his toast, watching as Nick slumps into his chair.
"Yeah I'm fine just tired." Nick replies taking a sip of his tea. Walt nods satisfied at the answer, but shushes everyone as Breaking News reports from the TV. Nick stands up walking into the living room, listening closely to the news reporter, "The singer Whitney Houston has been found dead at the age of 48."
"Oh shit!" Nicks eyes widen knowing some of the glee club would've taken this hard.
"So that's all I'm gonna hear from the choir room this week isn't it... Whitney songs?" Walt answers his own question.
"I'd avoid that corridor." Nick smirks confirming the man's statement. Walt mutters expletives and Nick chuckles at the man's reaction, while carrying on watching the news.


Monday morning rolled around and as expected certain members of the club were not taking the death of Whitney Houston well. He sat in the choir room listening as Mercedes and Rachel argued over who The Bodyguard was written for. Nick couldn't focus as his eyes found them drawn to the side of Quinn's face. She was striking, he had to shake his head, the dream he had last night trying to sneak its way into his thoughts. Nick refocused looking at the board as Mr Schue wrote the word Whitney.
"Oh my god yes it's about time we did a Whitney tribute!" Rachel claps her hands excitedly.
"Are we sure that's appropriate?" Sam innocently asks, as Mercedes swivels round in her chair, "You did not just ask that!"
"I just mean, didn't Whitney kind of have a lot of problems?" Sam tried to reason, digging himself a bigger hole.
"She had a hard life Sam, and?" Mercedes puts him in his place.

Mr Schue goes onto explain that this week is about them using Whitney's songs to understand what's really going on with themselves, "For some of you these next few weeks will be your last here at McKinley. Lots of changes coming up, lots of saying goodbyes." Nick glances over at Quinn and frowns seeing Joe looking at her longingly, he completely misses what Mr Schue is saying his attention solely on Joe and whether Quinn is looking back at him.

Leaving the choir room Nick headed to his locker, knowing he had hockey practice.
"Nick!" He turns seeing Quinn coming towards him. He halts and smiles as she reaches him, "Hi."
"You didn't say hi to me this morning are we okay?" Quinn takes his hand.
"Yeah, yeah of course I'm just taking Whitney's death harder than I thought I would." He deflects.
"Right... I didn't know you were such a big fan of hers?" She tries not to laugh, "But I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to come to one of my physio sessions with me again this week? I totally understand if you don't want to!"
He begins pushing her chair towards his locker, "Yeah sure I'll be there, if it's later in the week it'll be after training. That okay?"

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