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Nhlonipho Rellik Zulu's POV

I look at the car infront of me busy honking it's horn , the street light is red so we have to wait until it's green , and fuck it I'm impatient, but I'm not honking on the horn like the mother fucker in the car infront of me .

This gives me time to think about yesterday , about what happened.

A few hours earlier

“  Ngizokubhebha Benkosazane Wami , and it won't be nice !" I say harshly

I did not give her the time to digest my words but I smash her lips kissing the fuck out of her !

My mind is telling me not to do this , while my heart and dick is saying other wise , it's telling me to this

She moaning , I know that she's ready but I'm not , or maybe she's not ready , she may just feel pressured of the given Situation , i know that she may think Brandon broke up or cheated on her because of sex which is not the case , he was also influenced by Amanda.

But then I don't want to have sex with her on a No Strings Attached Thing , that can't be serious, I need her to be committed to me ! Always and forever , her mind , body and heart to all belong to me forever , I don't want it to belong to me for just a few hours , no!

“ It'll be painful baby!" I softly say , she moans and her moans are driving me mad crazy , let's just say I'm very strong if I'm able to control myself

I look at her and I see that she's having second thoughts which is good , also making me to plant an idea in my head that she may not want this

“Wait I'll give you pills to numb the pain” I say , quickly walking to the kitchen to get my wallet.

I take my wallet and take out 2 Sleeping pills and give them to her after taking the bottle water that was beside the table and giving it to her

“ Are you sure that these pills will help ?" She asks hesitantly.

“ Trust me they will !" I assure her

She drinks the pills and hand me the empty water bottle , I get up and take it to the Kitchen bin with all the other mess we made in the sitting area , I place other things at the kitchen counter

I walk back to her , just a matter of 5 minutes then she'll be out , I did not give her painkillers , but those were sleeping pills that are very strong ,I only use them if I have insomnia and want to sleep , I was not stupid enough to sleep with her like this

“Come , let go to bed " i kiss her forehead , taking her hand and she takes mine holding it tightly as I lead the way to her room apartment

“ I feel sleepy" , she says yawning , stretching her arms a little , we enter the room and I put her inside the cover , laying her head on my shoulder

“ It'll be alright Baby" I brush the side of her face slowly and gently , and then she's out

Thank you boZulu ! I prais my ancestors , I don't know what would have happened if we actually did it , but one thing I know is that I would never let her go , no matter what!


So right know I'm on my way to the airport , it's 7 am in the morning , I left Benkosazane Wami still sleeping but I did leave a note to inform her , I know that's not an ideal idea to do , but I had no other choice , it was either it or nothing at all , just leaving her there without a word , I know how busy I will get when I get to Durban so I won't have a lot of time , and I have someone who is going to keep a close eye at her which she doesn't know about .

I get in our family private jet and I wait for it to take off , with nobody in my mind but her.


Jessica Nobuhlebenkosazane Shangase'POV

I open my eyes , and bloody hell my head hurts ! My whole body hurts it feels like I've been run over by a truck , a big one that carries load of woods

I look beside my and it's empty , I'm all alone I.I than remember everything that happened yesterday

I quickly yank the blanket that is covering me and thank Goodness I'm still wearing my Blue PJs , I put my hand inside my pyjama short and I touch my cake , and  thank god I don't feel any pain , so that's means I'm still sealed , uNkulunkulu akadunyiswe (Lord must be worshipped) , why was I even thinking ? I know that I was not ready , but the fear of also loosing him in Durban was haunting me , what if he meets a girl there ? Or what's if he already has one. Sigh , life is unfair sometimes .

I get off bed and go to the kitchen to drink water , I am met by a note that is pasted in the fridge

"Morning Benkosazane Wami , sorry for not staying till you're awake but I am needed in Durban , I'll see you soon , and ohh there are no pills that can numb the sex pain before doing it , I gave you sleeping pills , sorry , I'll call you once I land , bye"

I'm soooooooooooooo stupid , jezz who could I? , I need to join church real quickly , I need to have my holy spirit back , not this seducing devil .


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