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Nobuhlebenkosazane pov.

I look at him , he walks towards me and I get up from the bed moving away from him , I do not want to be anywhere near him . I could feel something wanting to come out from my throat , holding myself to not make a mess , but I know that soon it will come out .

“ please tell me that I was dreaming Nhlonipho ” I beg him , my tears on the verge of coming out .

“ Benkosazane wami , listen...” he tries to explain.

I interrupt him , “ there's nothing to listen to ” I say looking at him , I don't want his explanation , I want him to answer to my question , it's not very difficult he just has to say , yes you were dreaming of no you were not dreaming . But I look at him mentally crossing my fingers that it's the first option which is yes I was dreaming.

I shake my head , not wanting to believe him as he keep quiet looking at me .

“ I was dreaming right ?” I ask him again , this time my voice coming out as a whisper and tears running down my face .

He keeps quiet and I got the answer I wanted . I did not expect it but it's still an answer , if my heart was a glass you could have heard it breaking down into pieces , involuntary causing a heartbreak.

I then run to the toilet kneeling down and opening the toilet seat puking everything out . It's just hard though because I slept on an empty stomach and I haven't had anything to eat this morning except for water , so water and some food come out leaving my throat hurting and my insides shivering and I immediately feel as if I have a figure because of how empty my stomach is right now .

“ Benkosazane wami ” he says coming inside the bathroom as I hear his feet stomping it's way to me .

“ leave me ” I say before puking out nothing but air this time . I feel drained , I feel sick , I feel hurt , I feel like shit .

“ I'll call the doctor ” he says worriedly taking out his phone from the pocket fast .

But I raise my hand up fast stopping him

“ no I'll be fine ” I do not want to go to the doctor, and I do not want any doctor coming here , he is the problem here , I'm sick because of him .

Thankfully he listens to me because I see him putting his phone back to his pocket and he walks out of the bathroom leaving me after helping me up from my knees , I then walk to the basin and rinse all the dirt out off  my mouth before brushing my teeth again , my saliva tasted bitter . My throat hurts from all the gagging I've been doing but nothing coming out out , that was sure painful.

I walk out of the bathroom , seeing Nhlonipho sitting down on the Chair that is placed opposite the edge of the bed . And I know that I have to sit on the edge of the bed as he addresses something . This has been going on for sometime now , whenever if he has something important to say he'll call me to the room and we sit in this position . I just don't understand why because it's only the both of us but if he likes it this way , I'll do it then .

I just don't like him today .

“ you're suffocating me ” I say the moment my butt touch the bed .

He looks at me with an emotional less face .

“ what does that suppose to mean ?” he looks at me intensely .

“ you're suffocating me " I say again.

I don't know how to explain it , but a few hours ago when I woke I loved how his scent filled up my lungs ,  how nice he smelt , but now I feel like puking when ever I'm near him . My lungs refuse to breath the same air that he breath , and they also refuse to fiction properly if I'm near him . And how am I supposed to explain that to him ?

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