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A/n: *dies*

"You need to eat something."

Espio lifted his gaze, struggling to focus on Vector's face. The crocodile pushed a plate of...something...towards the chameleon, who took it in trembling hands. Tubes connected to his arms trailed back to where (Y/n) was laying comatose on the sofa, her fur matted with blood. In a rush, Vector had deduced that Espio had the same blood type as her, but he was still recovering from his brush with death and the extensive amount of blood she needed was draining him.

"Come on," Vector murmured, taking the spoon from Espio when the chameleon struggled to lift it. "Your blood won't help her if you're dead."

"He's right," the doctor they'd found in the safe haven said, coming into the living room from the kitchen with a new pair of gloves. Charmy followed with an armful of supplies, dumping them on the ground next to (Y/n) before sitting at Espio's feet. The doctor shifted (Y/n) gently so he could sit next to her and study the puncture marks on her chest. He'd done his best to clean them and patch what he could, but he was preparing for a more extensive surgery. "What I wouldn't give for a proper lab."

"Do you need help? I can go find others," Vector said, even as he lifted the fork to Espio's mouth. "She can't die, though."

"Help would be nice," the doctor admitted. "Me and the little one can handle things here, if you would be so kind." Vector nodded, feeding Espio another bite before carefully handing the spoon to Charmy.

"Make sure he eats and drinks something," he murmured to the bee. Charmy nodded, dragging a stool over and clambering atop it.

"Here comes the airplane," he said with a weak smile. Espio humored him as best he could.

"Her mind is active, at least," the doctor said quietly, pulling a chair up to sit beside the sofa. "She hasn't mentally slipped out of this world, yet." He glanced at Espio. "Why try so hard to save her? What's so important about her?" Espio swallowed his mouthful, his gaze lingering on her face.

"Because," he murmured, "she's supposed to be the one to save us all."


Tails' breaths came in short desperate gasps. He was running a fever, and his eyes were clouded over. Knuckles nearly sobbed in relief when the Assassination Zone came into view, overgrown and quiet. He crossed the border from the Freezing Zone into the Assassination Zone, the temperature difference startling him. Tails groaned, locking his good hand around his blue wrist.

"Almost there," Knuckles whispered. "We're almost there. Just a little longer."

He ran another mile before he skidded to a halt, a deformed black figure standing in front of him. The fur along his spine raised and he lowered to one knee, preparing for a fight.

"Don't," the creature said, its voice distorted. It waved a bony hand to Knuckles. "Follow me."

"Who are you?" Knuckles snapped. "I'm not just going to follow you to who knows where!"

"I'll take you to the safe haven," it said. "To the Chaotix."

"Who are you?" Knuckles demanded again, even as he tightened his grip on Tails and stepped forward. It simply stared at him with glowing teal eyes, then turned and beckoned to him.

"Follow me." Knuckles glanced down at Tails, the fox's chest rising and falling shallowly, the furs wrapped around his injuries soaked red. He didn't have much of a choice. And this thing knew the Chaotix.

So he pulled Tails against his chest and followed.


"Anyone have medical experience? I need anyone with medical experience!"

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