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A/n: This chapter's a freaking disaster and I didn't proof read it so I'm sorry in advance.

The first thing she noticed was the cold. It was like nothing she'd ever felt, so bitter it felt as though it was splitting her bones. (Y/n) gasped, doubling over and pressing her hands to her chest. She opened her eyes, lifting her head and flattening her ears as she saw where she was.

Sonic's cell. Except the edges weren't solid, but a dark, swirling blue as if they were floating at the center of a void.

"(Y/n)?" The voice was distant, but she would recognize it anywhere. She forced herself to turn around, her gaze instantly finding Sonic. He was on his knees in the center of what looked like a cage of ice, the spikes thick and unforgiving.

"Sonic?" she whispered. "Sonic, what's happening?"

But it seemed as though he couldn't hear her, his mouth moving but making no sound. The cold grew unbearable and the ice thickened. She reached for him, and he reached for her, but with a sudden earsplitting scream, the ice shattered and (Y/n) was plunged into darkness.


It felt as though she was falling, when suddenly a reverse force pulled her upwards and she emerged into a blazing hot world. She tried gasping for air, but she couldn't seem to draw breath, clawing at the gold collar around her throat.

She waited for her breath to run out, for her vision to black out, but it never did, though the pain persisted. Tears pricked at her eyes, but they dried in the heat before they could fall.

"Help," she rasped, pressing her back against the wall of the cell she was trapped in, both hands working at the collar. "Please, somebody..."

"You can breathe." She looked up as a silhouette stepped into the doorway. He dropped down to his knees before her, brushing his hands gently against her elbows. "Quiet your mind. Just breathe."

"But I can't," she gasped, tugging desperately at the collar. His hands stilled hers, squeezing gently.

"Just breathe, (Y/n)," he told her. "Just like you know how."

The gold collar squeezed. She screamed in panic and the ground opened up to swallow her whole.


She was floating, holding the Chaos Emerald between her hands. She looked around the cell, her ears flattening.

"Hello?" she called quietly. "Tikal?"

"Tikal can't protect you here." She spun around, hugging the Chaos Emerald to her chest. A dark figure stood in the doorway, outlined in red. "The power of the Chaos Emerald. It could have freed me." The figure lifted its hand, but as it did, its fingers turned to blood, dripping to its elbow then to the floor. "You think you can stop this? No power, no connection, no immunity, will help you now."

(Y/n) flinched away from the figure, looking down and sucking in a sharp breath as the Chaos Emerald in her hands melted into a red puddle between her fingers. Her head snapped up as the figure laughed, the walls around them beginning to bleed.

"Please," she gasped, dropping to the ground and falling to her knees. She pressed her bloodied hands over her ears, choking on the stench of blood. "Please, make it stop!"

"You hurt because of your connections," the figure murmured, settling in front of her. She looked up, cruel golden eyes taking shape before her. With its remaining hand, it extended its claws and before she could react, it dug them into her heart. She made a garbled sound and it withdrew its hand. Three red, blue, and faint golden threads were wrapped around its fingers, leading back into the holes in her chest. It curled its hand into a fist.

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