Spain V Morocco

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I want these over and done with so they're just going to be small chapters.

Emmie and I had a little day at the pool with some hotdogs and juices for our all inclusive deals. Now we are on a bus for once with the team on the way to the stadium for our game against Morocco.

We arrive at the stadium walking inside. Emmie and I walk through the dugout towards the pitch to test it out as usual. "Ma'am? You shan't be down here." I hear and I turn round raising my brow. "Macie García. Pleasure." I smile then turn back off towards the pitch.

"Macie García?" I hear another voice from behind me. I place Emmie down and smile. "Go check the pitch i'll be a moment. "That's me yes." The girl walks over with such a large smile on her face. "I'm Ruby. My father plays for Morocco but I was desperate to meet you!" She says.

"Oh well, you're right on time." I say and walks towards her. I take a photo with her while we walk onto the pitch. "How old are you?" I ask her while we walk. "Oh i'm only fifteen." She says and I just smile. "My favourite supports are always my youngest." I say.

"It brings more to life as of my daughter I hope she earns the same support one day." I add on. Ruby nods as we reach the pitch. "Emmie come say hi." Emmie runs over and looks to Ruby raising her brow. "Hi." She says. "Hello Emmie. I'm Ruby." Emmie looks to me and I give her a small nod.

Pablo walks onto the pitch in his kit and wraps his arms around my shoulders resting his chin onto my head. "Who's this?" He asks. Ruby stands holding Emmie now onto her hip. "I'm Ruby. My father plays for the other team." She says with a smile. "Pleasure to meet you Ruby." He says.

Pablo places a kiss against my head and let's me go. "I will see you both when it's time to play." He says and bops Emmie's nose before walking off back to the dugout. "I love your relationship. Many people do it's all over tiktok and instagram." She says.

"Oh is it?" I wonder as I don't really use tiktok much anymore and I only look at friends and family on instagram. "Everyone adores your family." She says again. "Thank you." I say. "Though I do have to get into the stands I add on." She nods and holds Emmie towards me.

"Thank you for the picture Macie. It's lovely meeting you. You are very nice." She says then makes her way towards her stand. I turn towards ours and turn under the fence then sitting Emmie into the seat.

Only minutes later the boys then run onto the pitch and do their warmup. I take my seat as the boys then run off again. Kick off is in five minutes time and I just beg we win this because if not we are out.

The boys came back on we sung the national anthem and then we watched the kick off. The game felt like it had gone on for so so long but it just hasn't. Then we got to half time still on 0-0 our fingers bit from stress.

If we don't score this half it'll go to extra time then if not it'll be penalties and penalties are the worlds most scariest thing ever because one miss can cause it all to be over.

The game was kicked off again and it went on and on for so so long and again there were no single goals meaning we got another break and then to extra time.

Extra time begun and then we got to the end and that still being 0-0 meaning we had to go into penalties. Emmie couldn't stay awake so I had her asleep on my lap and now the boys lining up for the pens.

Shot through the goals was three of our own and Morocco scoring absolutely none. Meaning we had got through!! We are through to the quarter finals and I cannot believe it because that's already even more of a step closer.

I wanted to get up and scream, yell and jump around but I had a sleeping child against my chest which I couldn't actually do but I promise I will celebrate it as we get back.

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