Chapter 4

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After the ceremony Aubrey ordered us to follow her. So we all go to the amphitheater of the University. From the upper rank we can see all a cappella groups partying in the amphitheater. Most of them are dancing on the stage, some others are just standing around, talking and drinking. Proud Aubrey says

"Ladies welcome to a-ca-initiation night. Prepare to soften the beach."

The other Bellas start to run down the steps to the dance floor. I just keep standing right here. I don't like partying. There are always too much strangers and I don't really like people. I'd more like to be with my music right now. But than Chloe comes to me.

"I don't know what I'm doing here."

I say depressed

"I'm living my dream with the Bellas. I am so glad that I met you. I think that we're gonna be really close friends."

Chloe looks me deep in the eyes.

"Yeah. Well, you saw me naked, so... "

I wink. She takes my hands and than she comes closer and closer. In this moment she is crossing so many lines. I can't believe she's doing this. And I don't know what to do. I also come closer to her. I have this hummingbird heart beat and I hope she doesn't hear it, because it seems to be so loud. Our lips are nearly touching, but than I hear Jesse

"Be-caw! Be-caw. Do my eyes deceive me or are you a Barden Bella? "

he disturbed the whole moment. Chloe lets my hands down

"Alright guys I'll leave you alone. I'm gonna go get a drink. This ginger needs her jiggle juice. See you later."

Than she's gone. Jesse keeps talking but I don't really listen. I just think about what happened in the last seconds. Chloe is so beautiful. What the hell is going on? She's magical with her ginger hair. Jesse interrupts my thoughts. This boy really has a talent for interrupting.

"You're one of those a cappella girls, I'm one of those a cappella boys, and we're gonna have a-ca-children. It's inevitable."

"You're really drunk right now. I don't think you're gonna remember any of this."

"No. I'm not drunk at all, you're just blurry."

He seems totally drunk. And I can smell the alcohol when he's talking.

"You okay? Can you pass a sobriety test right now?"


"Can you stand up straight?"

I ask and push him careful back.

"See how I come right back? And I come right back."

"Right. Wow."

"Can I get you a drink?"

Is he really asking for a drink. He shouldn't drink much more, but maybe I can get him off with this.

"It sounds great."

"I'm gonna go get you a drink."

"Go for it."

I look around and see Chloe dancing. The DJ is playing "keep your head up" and Chloe really enjoys this song dancing with two boys around her. Sad I look down. What is she doing? One moment she's nearly kissing me and in the next she dances with two boys. I was stupid for thinking I could have a chance. I mean I still don't know what this is. She's in my head and I'm only thinking about her. She's so beautiful. I love her ginger hair and her blue eyes. But this is crazy. She's just Chloe! I'm not in love with her or anything like this. I'm just going in my room, maybe taking a shower. That would be good right now to be clear about all this.

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