Chapter six

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Minho's POV

I took some confident in my voice as I spoke. "Sir, first of all I don't know you'll and I know about my parents business but currently I rather live a normal life". Mark and hulgeon stared at me with a slight look of disappointment. Their expression is triggering my anger. "But minho-" mark started as I interrupted with a Yell "you guys are being RIDICULOUS". "The car crash was planned" hulgeon said in a low voice but it was audible for everyone present.

"Huh" I muttered in confusion. But soon I realized what he meant, my eyes went wide as I rose up shrinking towards the other. "What do you mean?" He was silent. I pulled his collar out of frustration which made him stand.

"The car crash that took the lives of Mr. And Mrs. Lee and the their eldest son was not a coincidence it was planned." Hulgeon said with his head lowered. I felt like a knife pierced right through my heart. I am having mixed emotion sorrow and anger. "They killed you family with no concern. It's the same gang who's destroying our people's life too, don't you wanna take revenge on them? Don't you wanna find justice for your family?" Mark said with a wrathful voice. I looked at my friend and then Mark.

"How? How am I supposed to take revenge? I don't even know to fight" I said with my eyes glaring and blood boiling. Gasps were heard from my friends I know they are shocked but I'm not in a state of talking to them. "We can take care of it if you're planning to take over my lord" mark said again with a polite voice than before as a smirk formed on his face. "I'll take over" I said flatly. I looked at my friends and they had an unreadable expression. I might be disappointing them. "So what should I do?". "You must train first and you shouldn't stay here lord it's better if you move into the mansion.the same one you lived as a kid" mark said.

"Ok" I replied. "You can take your friends with you if you want and add them to the mafia too,the more the merrier" hulgeon said out of nowhere. I shook my head "they wouldn't-" "we'll come" Hyunjin said I looked at them shocked the other too said the same as Hyunjin. "We are not friends who'll leave you when it gets scary" jeongin said. "We'll come with you too" they said together. I feel overwhelmed by them.

"So should we leave now?" I asked. "Yes follow me my lord". It's kinda nice too be respected as this...

It's almost 6pm now. The car I was I stopped as the other two behind us did the same too. I got down from it as I stood infront of the big mansion. It was just like before with the same luxury features. But for some reasons it's different. Last time I stayed here was with my family and now they are no more, that's what missing. I walked inside as the others followed me. "I guess I don't have to take you on a tour my lord?" Mark stated. "Yes and don't use my lord Minho is just fine" I said. I like being esteemed but 'my lord's' a bit too much. "You can show them the areas".

I walked away toward my room, the old one. I smiled as I remembered my mother singing lullaby for me in the same room. I saw hulgeon's figure stood in-between the the crack of the door, guess he's about to knock. "You can come in" he walked in. "My lo- I mean Minho, you're training sessions will be starting from tomorrow at 6 am" he said. "One important thing, until you're perfectly trained you won't be able to go out you'd be undercover".

I looked at him "I never agreed on that". "That's a rule Minho for you're safety cause the news if you being the leader would be spread soon so, we can't risk you safety". But-" "Minho please" I sighed "Fine, you can leave" he left abruptly as soon as I said. "So guess no more jisung now?" I questioned my self as tears made it's way to my eyes.
"I can't pull him in too it's gonna be dangerous"...

Han's POV

"Ahh it's almost seven" I walked back and forth waiting for Minho to arrive. I sat down on the mattress and pulled my phone out scrolling through it as I have a bit more time and I did it just to distract my mind from getting nervous again. I looked at the little table beside the mattress where two wine glasses were place with the bottles and also a red tiny box. It was a ring box. I smiled at it before staring at my phone again.

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