Chapter 3

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Katherine POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I opened my eyes to see that I was back in my room but I don't remember coming back to my room, I remember falling asleep in the library.

I shrugged feeling that maybe someone has brought me back but whom-

My thoughts were disturbed when Anne entered in the room "My lady you are awake,sorry I forgot to knock but lets get you ready for breakfast".

I looked at her for a few more seconds and then nodded.

I went to the bathroom and washed myself, it was luxurious, not like the ones in our world but the other way.

I came out wearing a robe and saw Anne holding a frilly dress in one hand and a corset in another. I visibly frowned.

"Ms. Rosaline gave this dress for you to wear, it's so kind of her, I think she likes you a lot" she said with excitement.

I looked at her and then at the dress and smiled her liking me not even a one chance in a millions.

When she came near me to dress me I put my hand up to stop her.

"My lady you need" she started.

"No need" I said.

"Huh?" she said.

"No need to dress me in that dress" I said and went to the small bag that I brought with me and took out a simple deep blue coloured casual dress without any frills.

Mom sewed this dress for me when she got a big some of money from a big order. It was a simple dress with embroidery at it's hem, waist and neckline.

I took the dress with me to the bathroom and came out after wearing it. There was no way that I would wear a corset.

I am still uncomfortable in these dresses as I often wore boyish clothes at home, mom never said anything about my outfit.

Anne was standing with her mouth agape.

"Lets go" I said going outside to the dining room.

I entered the dining room and saw the others already sat at the the table. I curtsied infront of them and then sat at my seat.

Father cleared his throat and said "Kathy, as we know that after a week is your seventh birthday".

I freezed at the nickname, my mom used to call me that. I looked around the table and saw Rosaline glaring at me, definitely because I didn't wear the dress she sent me. I rolled my eyes at her and listened to what my new dad was saying .

"So on your birthday I will be organising a ball for your first social debut and in that we will also check if you have any magical powers" he said.

I looked at him .

"But dad she is a commoner so how can she have any magic" Rosaline said what I wanted to say but dad cut her words.

"Some commoners are blessed with magic so we can check if Kathy is one of them and then she can also attend the magic academy alongside you both"

Then he motioned for someone to come in and the butler came in holding a simple but elegant ball dress.

I remember this dress mom made this. "I got this dress for you to wear at the ball Kathy".

We owned a small tailer shop and one day someone came and gave an order for a ball dress and mom asked them what kind of? They said a dress that her daughter will like that means me.

Now it all make sense, it was the Duke who ordered the dress.

"I hope you like it" he asked.

I nodded.

"A tailer will come after breakfast to get you some clothes and you will be starting your etiquette classes from today with Rosaline as I think you already know the basics" he smirked.

Yeah, I knew the basics, mom taught me them a month or two ago, Why? I still don't know.

I again nodded but then a thing came to my mind and I spoke for the first time here "Dad" his face lit up as I mentioned him as dad.

"I don't just want to take etiquette classes, I want to study other things too"

"As expected" He muttered to himself but I heard it.

What does he mean by as expected?

"You can take the other classes with Lucas, You can also learn archery, swordsmanship and close combat" he said and then we all started eating.

As he said a tailer came after that and now I have plenty of dresses which were plain and I will definitely never wear a corset .

The next day Lucas took me to the fighting grounds for the swordsmanship training.

The teacher gave me some instructions and I started practicing them.

In my archery class every time when I will miss a target Lucas will mock me and I really wanted to cut his head off at that time.

Soon the day of the ball came, the maids got me ready.

In the few days of living here I just only talked to Anne and Lucas, I meet dad and Rosa barely and when I meet them I don't really talk.

If you look closely Lucas is not that bad, he helped me with my training a lot.

I entered in the ballroom as my name got called. There were many people present inside and by many I mean a lot .

Everyone was staring at my dress or me, some complementing my beauty and the others looked at me with disgusting glances basically because I am a commoner by blood.

I stood at the stage beside my father and scanned the room for Lucas, I don't know why I did it but I just did, well he is not that bad of a brother.

I spotted him sitting at a table in the corner and he mouthed a good luck to me.

I gave him a small smile that was not even visible .

"As we all know that I have adopted a girl recently so we are gathered here to celebrate her seventh birthday today and also to check if she has any magic or not" Dad announced and then told me to come forward and put my hand on the magic crystel.

I uninterested placed my hand on it, I knew that I have no magic but as soon as my hand touched the ball, it turned black, then yellow, then green, blue, red, pink, purple and so on until it glowed a white colour and turned transparent.

The whole hall was silent and shocked, hell even I was shocked, how is this possible the villainess doesn't have any powers so how?

As soon as the priest came out of the shock he shouted "Miss, Katherine has the God's grace over her".

The crowd erupted into cheers, I looked at dad, he looked so happy.

Selueous POV

I looked as she put her hand on the crystel, It glowed in multiple colours, I knew it, after all her mom and dad has great magic.

She looked at me with her emotionless expression and I smiled.

Even though she looks emotionless but she cares I know because she is just like her dad, she deserves happiness and I am going to give her that.

Villainess? well, who cares......not me. Where stories live. Discover now