It Shouldn't

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"She sounds really nice," My mom said, sitting at the breakfast bar in our kitchen. 

I smiled, taking a sip of the homemade milkshake she had made me, "She is... she really is," I said, referring to Chicago, who I already seemed to miss dearly. 

Luckily, she should be landing in the next hour, so we can talk soon. 

My mom hummed, "Don't you think tonight might be a little awkward though?" she asked. 

I pursed my lips, recalling Karter who would most likely be attending the sleepover tonight. 

The entire car ride, she had managed to stay glued to her phone—not even sparing me one glance... So maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad. Clearly, she was over me, so maybe she'd just stay to herself. 

I cleared my throat slightly, "I think it'll be fine," I forced out, even if I wasn't quite sure it would be.

My mom sighed slightly, "Hopefully it is because Nancy and Nina invited us over for Christmas—and I really want us to attend," she said, easily making my heart sink in my chest. 

Now, that's taking it a little too far.

I furrowed my brows, "You expect me to spend Christmas with her?" I asked, feeling slightly defensive over the new information. 

The last thing I could do is spend such a big holiday with her, especially since I'd only recall the last Christmas we spent together. 

My mom raised a slight brow, "You're talking to someone new now ladybug—you've moved on... so being around her shouldn't affect you," she tried to explain. 

I pursed my lips, realizing she had a point, being around her shouldn't affect me. 

It shouldn't. 

I sighed, "Yeah... I just wish I could spend Christmas with Chicago," I said, feeling sort of bitter over the topic. 

My mom frowned, "I understand, ladybug—I wish there was something I could do," she said, but it didn't seem to make the heaviness in my chest go away. 

I pursed my lips into a frown, "Yeah, me too," I breathed out, standing from the tall barstool. 

My mom sighed, standing as well from the barstool, "Well, have fun at the sleepover, and I'll see you tomorrow at the Christmas Festival," she said, grabbing our empty milkshake cups. 

I nodded, realizing that I was already running behind for the sleepover, but even I knew that I was stalling—buying as much time as I could before I had to see her. 

Soon I was pulling up at Cher's house, parking my car as I grabbed my duffle from the backseat. 

However, I couldn't help but halt when I noticed the familiar Jeep parked in front of the large house, realizing that she definitely was here. 

I sucked in a long deep breath, gathering my nerves before entering the large house. 

As soon as I entered into the grand foyer, one of the maids greeted me, kindly taking my bag before directing me into the kitchen where everyone else was. 

"Sloany!" Jaden called out as soon as I made it into the kitchen. 

Cher smiled as she finished organizing all the ingredients on the counter, "Finally, now we can get started," she said as Davis grabbed one of the tubes of frosting. 

"We're decorating cookies," Jalen said, walking over to where Jaden was standing. 

I forced a smile, walking into the kitchen—Karter didn't seem to be in here, which somehow soothed any nerves I had. Maybe she'd just stay away from the gathering. 

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