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"Right we need to start getting you in your dresses, it starts in 30 minutes" Mrs Weasley announces. 

"Oh my god, is this the wedding" Marlene looks excitedly at Lily and Alice.

"You're gonna have to talk to me darling, we're watching our wedding" Charlie whispers to Rory. 

"I'm still not talking to you" She says but she can't stop the smile on her face.

"That smile tells me otherwise" He smirks before pulling her to him.

Rory stands there staring at the dress as the other put theirs on.

"Come on Rory, let's get you dressed" Ginny says handing her the dress. 

"Wow, you look stunning" Angelina says as she comes over to Rory. 

James and Sirius look at the screen with tears in their eyes.

"Lily your daughter is beautiful just so you know" Marlene says smiling at Lily.

"She really is" James says hugging Lily.

"You really did look beautiful in that dress" Charlie whispers placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Okay 5 minutes everyone ready" Mrs Weasley says as there's a knock at the door. Mrs Weasley opens the door slightly before fully opening it to reveal Remus, she leaves followed by the bridesmaids leaving Rory alone with her godfather.

"You look beautiful Wolf" He had tears in his eyes. 

"Thanks Moony" She hugs him. "I just wish they could be here"

"They're always with you Wolf and your dad would of been the happiest person alive walking you down that isle and I'm glad you asked me to be the one to do that when he couldn't" 

"I wish I could of been there to do it Rory but I'm glad you had Moony" James says smiling at Remus and Rory.

"I love you Moony"

"I love you too Little Wolf, now shall we" He holds out is arm for her as she laughs slightly before taking it and walking downstairs. The others are stood by the tent waiting to start.

Remus looks at Rory who sends him a smile.

"You look gorgeous Ror" Fred whispers as he sees her, Angelina at his side.

"I agree" George adds before taking his place beside Tonks.

"You really do look beautiful Rory"

"Thanks Harry" He smiles before standing with Ginny. The music starts as Harry and Ginny walk in first followed by Ron and Hermione, then George and Tonks before Fred and Angelina.

"You ready Wolf" Remus says as she takes his arm he's holding out for her.

"As I'll every be" He kisses her on the head before they start walking in.

"Aww Remus you're so cute with her" Alice smiles at him.

Remus walks her towards Charlie before placing her hand in his and walking to his seat.

"You look beautiful" Charlie whispers as the officiant starts.

"Oh god full's names are coming" Rory moans looking at Charlie.

"Ladies and gentlemen, We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls These two have come together with you, their family and friends, to celebrate their love and commitment they will make to each other today. As we all know, it is impossible to manufacture or imitate love; love is at once more wonderful and more terrible than death, than human intelligence, than forces of nature. The union we all witness today is built on a true love that runs deep.

Charles and Aurora as you both know, you are protected, in short, by your ability to love. As you make your wedding vows, remember this truth and honour it each day of your marriage. Charles, please repeat after me:

I, Charles Weasley, vow to honour and cherish you, to support you and celebrate you, until the very end."

"I, Charles Weasley, vow to honour and cherish you, to support you and celebrate you, until the very end"

"Aurora now would you please repeat after me:

I, Aurora Potter, vow to honour and cherish you, to support you and celebrate you, until the very end."

"I, Aurora Potter, vow to honour and cherish you, to support you and celebrate you, until the very end."

"Now do you Charles Septimus Weasley take Aurora Nova Potter to be your wife"

"I do"

"And do you Aurora Nova Potter take Charles Septimus Weasley to be your husband"

"I do"

"Then I declare you bonded for life."The wizard waved his wand high over our heads a shower of silver stars fell from it, spiraling around them as they kissed. Fred and George started cheering. "Ladies and gentlemen! If you would please stand up!"They all did so, Auntie Muriel grumbling audibly; he waved his wand again. The seats on which they had been sitting rose into the air as the centre of the tent changed to form a dance floor; the hovering chairs groped themselves around small white-clothed tables, which all floated gracefully back to earth around it.

James looks at Rory and Charlie a sad smile on his face from missing her wedding. He looks at Lily who has a similar look as they both look at Rory. 

"Come on Wolf" Remus says holding his hand out for her which she takes smiling as he pulls her up for a dance. "You really do look beautiful" 

"Thanks Moony" Remus spins her around making her laugh.

"Whose memory is this one" Rory asks looking at the others.

"Mine" Harry tells her smiling. "I knew you weren't going to show much of the wedding but I liked watching you being happy with Remus and thought the others deserved to see that too" 

"Thanks Harry" 

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