Fifth Year

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"Rory" the twins shout as she enters the kitchen at the Burrow followed by James and Harry.

"Hey" She hugs them both.

"Thanks for this Molly I would of let Rory stay home but I didn't want her to be alone and last time we left Sirius with her the kitchen got covered in flour, Lily wasn't happy" James says as he walks over to Molly.

"It's no problem James I love having them you know that and so do the kids. You and Lily go enjoy yourself"

"Thanks again Molly. Kids I'll see you in a few days" James says getting their attention. Rory runs over to him and hugs him whilst Harry just mutters a goodbye before disappearing with Ron.

"Bye dad. Love you" Rory says as she hugs him.

"Bye Rory. I love you too sweetheart" He kisses her on the head before releasing her and leaving.

"Come on Ror let's go upstairs to our room" George says grabbing her hand and pulling her after him with Fred following behind.

"So how was Egypt and how are Bill and Charlie?" Rory asks as she sits on George's bed.

"Egypt was awesome. Missed our best friend though, its not as much fun pranking without you" Fred smirks at her.

"And Bill and Charlie are both good, they're both really enjoying their jobs. Charlie also said to tell you that you'd better write to him like you promised" George says also smirking.

"It's going to be weird without him this year, weirder than when Bill left because we had Charlie around longer at school. Now we just have Prefect Percy and you know he's not going to allow us to get away with anything like Charlie and Bill did"

"He'll have to catch us first my dear Aurora" Fred smiles at her.

"Good point Freddie. He's not going to stand a chance against our knowledge of that schools secret passages and the map"

Letters to Charlie

Dear Charlie,

How are you. I miss you loads already its weird you not being around.

How's the new job going? Are there any cute dragons?

Schools going to suck without you there to talk to whenever I want to now I've got to actually write to you instead and wait for the letters to get to you. You're lucky I like you.

Love Nova.

Rory attaches the letter to her snowy owl, Luna's leg.

"Take that to Charlie" She strokes her head before walking her to the window and letting her fly out of it. She gets Charlie's reply a week later.

Dear Nova,

I'm good, how are you? I'm missing you too its a bit boring not having you to talk to all the time. Its going to be weird for me too this is the first September I haven't been on my way to school in 7 years and the first year I won't see you all the time in 4 years.

The jobs amazing and so are the dragons I can't wait to show you them one day, maybe next summer if your parents allow it or maybe I'll be able to get the time off to come home. Make sure you write to me all the time.

Love Charlie.


"Happy birthday sweetheart" James hugs his daughter as she walks into Remus's office.

"Thanks dad" She says hugging him back.

"Sirius is just getting your present" As he says this Sirius enters followed by Remus both carrying something.

"Happy birthday wolf" Remus puts down what he's carrying to give her a hug.

"Thanks Uncle Moony" He releases her as Sirius hands what he's holding to James so he can give her a hug as well.

"Happy birthday little wolf"

"Thanks Uncle Pads" She smiles at him.

"Right Rory did you want your present?" James asks holding a cat basket.

"Of course" He places the basket on the desk.

"It's in there" She walks over to it and opens it as a small grey kitten slowly walks out.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" She asks her dad excitedly.

"Boy and he's half Kneazle so he'll be extremely loyal if you treat him right"

"He's so cute" She holds her hand out for the kitten to sniff before stroking him. He purrs as he rubs against her hand.

"Definitely seems to like you. What you calling him wolf"

"What about Atlas. Do you like that" She asks stroking the kitten who jumps into her arms.

"I'd take that as a yes wolf" Remus says smiling at her along with the others.


Rory wakes on Christmas morning with Atlas laid beside her on the pillow. She gently scratches him behind the ear before getting up and heading downstairs with Atlas close behind.

"Merry Christmas darling" James greets his daughter as she walks into the kitchen and over to Atlas' bowl.

"Merry Christmas dad" She says as she feeds Atlas before going to give her dad a hug just as Lily walks in. "Merry Christmas mum" Rory says as she pulls away from James.

"Merry Christmas Rory" Lily smiles at her before starting breakfast.

"Are Moony and Pads coming over today?" Rory asks as she sits down beside James, Atlas jumps onto her lap and lays down.

"Yeah they'll be here in about an hour" James tells her smiling.

"The Weasleys are coming over for Christmas Dinner as well" Lily tells them as Harry walks in. After breakfast they all head into the living room to open presents.

"Hold on I just need to get Rory's present" James says smirking as he leaves the room and returns with a cage that was covered. "Merry Christmas Rory" James says as he places the cage in front of her. Removing the cover Rory smiles as she sees the beautiful black owl.

"Wow" She whispers as James and Lily smile at eachother. "She's beautiful"

"She is. She's a black snowy owl, apparently she's some magical miracle her parents are both snowy owls but she was born pure black even all her siblings are white" Lily says as Harry opens his presents.

"I love her thank you" Rory says hugging her parents "I'm going to call you Phoenix" James and Lily share another smile.

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