Chapter 25

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I continued to stroll through the pack, noticing a few of the wolves looking at me, but they were in human form and were much less frightening than the wolves. They didn't look long though, probably just glancing my way out of curiosity of having never seen me here before. That, or they could tell I was a human and they were concerned as to why I was here.

I was unsure if all of the people here had been told that Jared was mated to a human.

I cleared my throat, it feeling slightly scratchy, and I swallowed my tears. I wasn't going to cry, but, I was going to allow myself to feel angry. I couldn't bury all of my emotions. I would end up breaking down somewhere down the line.

Jared hadn't been honest with me. Granted, I had never explicitly asked if he had had another mate before me, but I really thought that would be something that he would have mentioned to me when telling me who I was to him.

Not only had he had another mate, but she wanted me dead. She wanted to torment me and make my life miserable much like my Father did. It seemed I just couldn't catch a break.

Was something wrong with me? Did I deserve all of this? I just wanted a normal life.

I sighed heavily as I rounded the corner, coming to a large lake, the scene causing me to widen my eyes. It was beautiful, shrubs and trees arching over it, shading it from the bright shining sun. A few ducks wallowed in the water, quacking and swimming after one another as if they were playing some sort of game.

I decided to sit down by it, the grass hot against my skin, but, it felt quite comforting. I rested my chin in the palm of my hand, cocking my head as I gazed out at the water in front of me. It was quiet and comforting here, with no wolves or people wandering about. I actually felt alone and at peace. I could finally hear myself think.

I couldn't help but compare myself to this Amelia girl. I was aware that Jared had said that they didn't get on and he believed that them being mated was a mistake, but I was slightly insecure. It seemed to me that the Moon Goddess decided that Jared needed someone else, and picked me at random. I wasn't actually born to be with him, because technically, Amelia was.

She was also beautiful with her long blonde hair and tanned skin. Although her face was masked with a scowl when I had met her, her eyes were bright and glistening, and she towered over me with her tall stature. I looked the complete opposite to her. Was that something Jared actually found attractive? Did he have two types?

"Hey Anna."

I gasped, whirling around to see Gia standing behind me with a small smile plastered onto her face. I relaxed once I realised who it was, my eyes catching just a hint of blonde hair and panicking for a moment, believing Amelia had found me again.

"Oh, hi," I muttered, turning around and facing the lake again. "Did Jared send you?"

"No," Gia said, humming as she came to sit beside me, crossing her legs and grabbing a small rock by our feet, throwing it into the middle of the lake. She had a good arm, and it landed with force directly in the centre of it, the ducks panicking and swimming their way towards the grass. "I came on my own."

"Were you listening?" I asked, turning to look at her, raising my brows. I knew she had been. Gia couldn't resist gossip, but it wasn't exactly a bad thing. She liked to know what was going on so she could help people. It was one of the traits I liked about her. Although she was always in people's business, you never had to explain anything to her, because she always already knew.

"Guilty," Gia responded, flashing me a 'sorry' smile, but, I didn't care. Everyone knew about Amelia but me, and it just made me seem like an idiot being so head over heels for Jared when I wasn't actually his first mate.

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