09 - Swim

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Echo's POV

A lean chest stares back at me, slim and not too muscular, but in shape like I assumed. He barely budged when I shoved him into the bathroom. He had not one fear in him when he approached Erin. I knew he had to be well-rounded under his clothes. I inhale deeply, squeezing my forearm with my other hand, and clear my throat.

"Dandelions? Are those your favorite?"

His question doesn't register in my head. "W-why are you," I tilt my head, my eyes dropping from his head to toes. My God. "Why are you, um..."

He grins. "In a bathing suit?" He points to the pool. "Isn't it obvious? I'm goin' for a swim."

"I just said I don't do swimming." My eyes dart to every place other than his chest, but avoiding something that's like a magnet to your eyes is nearly impossible.

He shrugs. "I didn't say you had to get in." He walks over to the bar area and bends over. "You can chill on one of the chairs." When he comes back up, he's holding two things, a bottle of water and a can of alcohol. "Do you drink?"

I shake my head, fiddling with my fingers. Is that lame? Most people our age are drowning themselves in alcohol. I'd rather not end up like Dad.

He smiles. "Neither do I." A sigh of relief leaves my nose. "Water it is." He puts back the can and grabs two bottles of water. He warns me as he raises the bottle and tosses it slowly toward my hands. I catch it, surprisingly, and he praises me.

He plays music from the bar as well at a quiet volume so that only we can hear it back here. I don't know if there even are neighbors to annoy, but that might be a reason why he isn't blasting it. I lay on the chair drinking water, my eyes on Brandon as he runs and dives into the pool. My eyes widen as I take cover.

Water splashes onto me and I gasp, shrieking. "Seriously! You have the entire pool, and you dive right there?"

Brandon rises from the water laughing as he sees all my clothes damp from his splash. "Totally didn't mean to do that."

I frown. "Not funny."

He latches onto the edge of the pool closest to me and rests his arms over it as he floats. His hair, soaked, is combed through by his fingers. "You're fine, it'll dry up in a few minutes. He stares at me with a content look on his face. "Did you grow up in New York?"

I nod, pealing my drenched shirt from my skin. "Born and raised."

He hums and playfully mutters, "Explains your coldness."

I ignore his remark. "You didn't grow up here?"

"If by here you mean New Jersey then yeah, I did. But if you're talking about New York, no. I recently moved there a few years ago for work."

Right, we aren't in New York state now. Which makes me realize I haven't been outside of the city my entire life. Places like this, where there are woods surrounding houses and cabins found hidden in trees are foreign to me. Only something I've seen in movies or read in books.

"You live in New York alone?" I respond.

He nods. "Just me myself and I. What about you?"

I exhale. "Same."


I press my lips together and shake my head. I cross my legs on the chair, looking down at Brandon. "I did...I had one at least, but uh..." I laugh to cut into the thick tension.

His eyes soften as he realizes what I mean and who I'm talking about.

"I'm sorry for your losses, Echo." He says softly. "All of them."

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