14 - BFFs

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Brandon's POV

Echo's starting to worry me the way she's standing at the door. Her fist is balled up, meaning she's hurting herself again and her shoulders are tense. Should I be worries or...

I can't make out what she's saying with her whispering. I reach for the remote controller and turn the volume of the T.V down then look back at the door.

"Echo?" I call out softly. She doesn't answer so I repeat myself a little louder.

She turns around and looks at me with teary filled eyes and holds up a finger. "Just give me a minute, please, Brandon." And turns back around to continue talking.

Immediately, I stand up, adjusting myself in my jeans before walking over to where Echo stands and listen.

"I'm sorry Echo, but you lied to me," A man says. Lied about what?

Echo shakes her head, sniffling. "I never lied, I just... Look, my dad was my only family, okay? With him gone I have no one! I need this apartment more than anything. You can't just evict me. James, please. I am going to get the money, okay? I— I still have a few days. You told me that—"

My face drops. Oh, Echo. You deserve any of what you go through. I'm starting to wonder what all else she has on her plate.

I swallow hard as I continue to listen behind her.

"If your dad isn't around anymore, there's nothing I can do, okay? I'm just doing my job and I've been told to give you this eviction notice. The only reason the apartment was still in your dad's name was because of how long he's lived here. And now... well..."

She snaps at him. "I get it." I can hear her sniffles getting worse and I'm sure her nails are soaking up her blood at this very moment. "He's dead. You need higher rent. I get it." She snatches a paper; it crumples in the silence. "You know what, James?"

"Yes, Echo?"

"Go to hell," she spits boldly before slamming the door shut in his face.

I step back a few steps, hoping she isn't upset with me eavesdropping on her conversation. When she turns around and looks at me standing there, I expect her to unleash on me all the anger and emotions she's feeling, but all she does is collapse in my arms.

And cries.

I wrap my arms around her head tightly, so she knows I'm here, not going anywhere.

"I tried, Brandon."

I stroke the back of her neck down to her mid-back. "It's all gonna be okay, Ech."

She shakes her head, her tears seeping through my t-shirt. "I'm h-homeless."

I press my cheek against the crown of her head. "I will always be there for you," I say. "I will always be a home you can go to."

She lifts her head away and looks at me. I feel selfish for thinking what I'm thinking. She looks most beautiful when she cries. Her big bright brown eyes glossy with a shimmer so beautiful, it lights her face up and a slight red tint to her olive brown skin gives her a natural blush. Not to mention the frown on her face is extremely animated and... cute. She's such a God damn cute crier.

God, I'm awful.

"You're smiling." She notes with a straight face.

I drop the smile I didn't know was on my face. "No, I'm not."

She only rolls her eyes, going back to her problem pulling up the envelope that the guy had given her and sits on the couch to open it.

I kneel sit beside her as she reads the eviction papers in summary.

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