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*yn and the boys where rough playing and when her and Henry where playing they got too close to a window*
*Based off true events😭*
Third POV:
All of the gang was play fighting in a dim lit room while the tv was playing some random channel,belch pushed Henry into yn.

As yn and Henry was pushing each other around, Henry pushed yn closer to a wall with a window in it.

With one swift moment Henry slightly picked her up and moved forward pushing yn's lower back onto the edge of the window seal and the rest of her top half went into the window with a hard hit to the ground on the other side.

As all of the boys stood there somewhat in shock Patrick barked out a laugh.

Vic was the first to run to the door and kneal by your side.

You had a large gash in your left arm and a lot of glass everywhere,of course Henry acted like he didn't care but when Vic left to get the first aid kit Henry was asking if you were ok and that he was "sorry".

You honestly didn't hurt that bad cause you have a high pain tolerance but when Vic was babying you,you sure didn't reject the offer.

You did have to go to the hospital for stitches tho.You make Henry fell guilty and he actually agreed to do anything for you for a week.

After a few weeks it left a bad scar but it was a memory you won't forget.
*short but sweet😭*
*pls give request*
*love u, mean it*

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