Chapter 16

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I don't completely close Amara's door and lean on the wall next to it. I wait a few minutes next to it. I listen as her breath slows, and slowly transforms into a soft snore. When I'm sure she's safe and asleep,I walk back to my car, and turn the ignition on. I wait a few more minutes to make sure nothing bad happens, and then drive away. I feel happy to have been able to help Amara. I knew she didn't want anything serious with anyone, thanks to what Candace had said when she was drunk. Apparently, Amara had made up her mind not to date anyone till graduation. Moreover she had loads of other stuff to worry about, like her parents, volleyball and studies. Candace hadn't explained everything, and even if she had, I wouldn't have felt comfortable listening to it from anyone than Amara. I wanted to take my time with her, and not rush her. It was clear she had an uneasy relationship with her parents, and I wanted to be here for her, without seeming to pushy. If it had been with an other girl, I would have probably given up, but with Amara, it's different. She's different. She was worth the wait. We could be friends for now. Well friends who hookup from time to time, but what's wrong with that? I arrive to the hut and am greeted by a couple of the boys. Most of them are slouched on the sofa, passed out from the alcohol, but some of them are still awake. "Hey guys" I shout, hoping for at least one sober response. TJ and Lucas lift up their hands to sign a hello. I sit down next to them and check them both. "Where did you go? You left when it was getting fun. Jacob and Andrew danced on top of the counter. Then Jere barfed all over the place and-" "Okay, yeah I get it TJ!" I interrupt him laughing slightly. "Yeah, where were you?" Lucas interrupts. I think before I answer. If I'm wrong about one little detail, they're going to be on my back with Amara for god knows how long. "I took Amara home, as she was far too drunk to go back on her own." "Who's Amara again?" Lucas asks. "She's the hot one. Tight black dress? Remember?" TJ winks to him. "Shut up TJ." I burst out. "Ohh, look who's getting all worked up because we're talking about his little girlfriend." TJ teases. I hit him with the nearest cushion I can find. "She's not my girlfriend." I can practically hear TJ rolling his eyes. "Yeah sure." "Go back to sleep asshole." I say, pushing TJ back on his stomach. I try to hide it, but I can't stop smiling. Imaging Amara as my girlfriend was the best thought ever. I go to my room, take off my clothes and jump into bed. I find no problem in falling asleep, and fall in a deep slumber. It's 9 o'clock when I wake up. I walk down to the kitchen, and pour myself a coffee. There are still loads of guys on the sofa, so I decide to go back up to my room. As I walk back up, I grab my phone from my pocket, and open the message app.


me : hey I'm bored. Wanna go out for lunch?
preston : ugh. I can't . We have to go present shopping
me : ohh. Can I come?
preston : really? Shopping for a day with a dozen of girls? That's your kink *winky face?
me : I'll pass thanks
preston : I haven't got anything planned tonight though.
me : now you have. you're eating at mine
preston : 8?
me : perfecto *winky face

I grab my bag and head to the arena. When I arrive, I get changed and skate on the ice. I put my helmet on and concentrate on what coaches is saying. Those 2hours of training pass by like lightning speed and as I'm leaving I say bye to coach. I go back home and fall down on my sofa. I'm extremely tired and close my eyes, hoping that a Power Nap will give me energy. When I wake up, I check the time, and see it's 7:45pm. Shit. Amara's going to be here in less than fifteen minutes, and I'm not ready. Im still wearing my hockey underalls and they do not smell good. I quickly change and brush my hair back, looking at myself in my bedroom mirror. I hear the doorbell and rush down the stairs. I open the door and see Amara standing on the doorstep. She's wearing large jeans and her jacket is closed nice and tightly around her neck. "Hi, come on in" I address to her, leading her into the hall. She takes off her jacket, revealing a small little blue top, and looks around the house. "You guys really live in a mansion." She huffs. "Haha, thanks." "Where are all of your buddies by the way?" "Oh, well most of them are out, some are here." I answer "What do you want to eat?" "Uhm, I don't know. What do you have?"she replies softly. "We can make pizza, pasta, veggies, even sushi. If you're ever hungry, this house is your go-to." I chuckle, opening up the cupboards one by one. "Pizza sounds good." "Take-out?" I ask her. "Works for me." "Great." I grab my phone out of my pocket and call the pizza place. "What do you want?" I ask her, muting my phone with my palm. "Veggetana, cheese-free." "A pizza without any cheese? Can you even call that a pizza?" I chuckle. She nods. I complete the order and hang up. I sit down on the counter chair, and watch her twirl her fingers around her hair. I'm trying to think about something fun we could do, and stand up. I head to the fuss-ball table. "Game?" I ask. She turns aground to me and flashes a big smile. "Yeah!" She excitedly trots towards me and lays her hand on the handles. "Are you sure you want to play against me? I don't want you crying in my arms because you're a sore looser Preston." I snicker. Point for me. "I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that. Unlike you, loosing isn't a part of my vocabulary." she giggles, sticking her tongue out at me like a child. Point for her. "Winner gets head." I joke, rolling the small fuss-ball ball on the table. "You're sick. Bring it on." The match is really close. Amara is surprisingly good at fuss-ball, and is giving me a hard time winning. But still, I'm an athlete, and as she said it, loosing isn't either in my vocabulary. After, 10 minutes, the score is tied and it's match point. I put all my strength into the handle and smash the ball into the goal. I pounce around the room, dancing to celebrate my win. She doesn't seem so happy at the sight of me winning and tries to trip me over a few times. I grab her by her hand and pulls her close to me. "It's time to serve your punishment my sweet Preston." I sneer pulling even closer. As I'm about to kiss her, I hear the doorbell ring. Perfect fucking timing. I go to the door and open it. Outside, I see the pizza delivery guy. I pay for both our pizzas, and take them inside. The  mouth-watering smell of pizza spreads quickly through the house, drawing Amara to the kitchen table. "Dinner is served ma'am." I joke, bowing as I give her her carton. As she opens her pizza box, she lets out a gasp. "Shit." "What?" "They put cheese on this. I asked for non-cheese." "It's for the best." I reply. "What kind of people even eats cheese-free pizzas? The kind that looses at fuss-ball I bet" I joke. She doesn't seem so amused at my joke. The more I spend time with her, the more I start to realise that food is a sensitive subject. "I'm serious Ethan. Cheese is like, the worst in caloric level." She exclaims, carefully removing the bits of melted mozzarella, that had smeared all over her pizza. "Since when do you care about stuff like that?" I ask her, devouring yet another slice of my cheesy pizza. She blushes. "I don't. Well. It's complicated." I try to change the subject, and go to the fridge. I take out two ice-cold beers and hand one over to her. "Here. That ought to cheer you up." A few minutes later, and a few beers later, I get back the Amara I know, care free, and a bit annoying, which I like. We are on the couch debating whether Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man. We seem to have a bit of a disagreement. "He isn't. Andrew Garfield is. He and Gwen were the best couple." She whines, grabbing a pillow near her chest. "Of course you think that. You're a girl. But come on, Tom Holland was the strongest, he was an Avenger." As she's about to riposte, the lights suddenly go out. A few seconds later, they're back on. "Uhm, well. That was kind off spooky." "It was a power cut. Don't worry about it. It happens all the time." I say gently. "Oh." We spend a couple more minutes, sitting there, just staring at each other. I could feel the tension between us, growing bigger with every second that was passing. I wanted her so badly it hurts. However, I couldn't quite understand what she wanted. Did she want only a casual hookup? Or was she interested in me? Or was she just indecisive? Questions like this kept crossing my head. I finally decided to make up my mind, and leaned in to kiss her. She didn't push out. I cupped her chin in my palm and kissed her even harder. She passed her hand through my hair, running it up and down my upper spine. Her other hand was just there, holding on to my shoulder. I lifted her up and placed her over my hips, straddling me. Her eyes were shining with desire as she placed her lips on mine. I run my finger on her soft skin, lifting up her t-shirt over her head. I place my hands on her waist, throbbing her back and forth of my already-hard dick. She smirks as she feels my erection on her thigh and continues her movement. I lifted her back up and took off my jeans. "You owe me a blowjob, remember?" I tease, lowering her pants. She smiles, and sits me back down on the sofa, pushing me with both her hands. She kneels down in front and as she's about to rid me of my boxers, I hear the doorknob turning. "Hey, we're back. Chinese's on the menu." I hear TJ shouting from the hall. Shit, shit, shit!

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