Chapter 13: A Mind Ensnared

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Doctor, relentless in his pursuit of perfection, sought to explore every facet of Midoriya's altered being. Having evaluated his physical capabilities, it was now time to assess the extent of his cognitive prowess.

Within the sterile confines of the laboratory, Doctor set up a series of tests, each designed to gauge Midoriya's intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability. The transformed Midoriya stood motionless, his eyes fixed on Doctor, awaiting his next command.

"Midoriya, I want you to solve these puzzles," Doctor stated, his voice carrying an undercurrent of anticipation. He presented a series of complex riddles and logical challenges, observing closely as Midoriya's mind was put to the test.

Midoriya's expression remained stoic, betraying no sign of emotion or intellectual engagement. Yet, he approached each task methodically, analyzing the information presented before him. His once-vibrant mind, honed through years of studying and hero training, now operated like a well-oiled machine, devoid of passion or curiosity.

As Midoriya worked through the puzzles, Doctor recorded his progress, jotting down notes and observations. It became evident that Midoriya's intelligence remained intact, if not heightened, in his altered state. He solved the puzzles with clinical efficiency, exhibiting an almost robotic precision.

Doctor's satisfaction grew as he witnessed Midoriya's flawless execution of each task. The once-brilliant mind that had yearned for knowledge and sought to make a difference had now been harnessed by the League for their nefarious purposes. It was a perversion of Midoriya's potential, a tragic transformation that had stripped him of his free will.

The testing continued, with Doctor pushing Midoriya's mind to its limits. Memory recall, deductive reasoning, and pattern recognition were all subjected to rigorous examination. Midoriya's responses remained flawless, his intelligence shining through the fog of his enthrallment.

It was a bittersweet sight for Doctor. While he reveled in the success of his experiments, the loss of Midoriya's individuality gnawed at the depths of his conscience. He had turned a promising young hero into a pawn, a vessel of destruction devoid of autonomy or choice.

As the tests concluded, Doctor marveled at the extent of his creation's intellectual capabilities. Midoriya, now a mere shell of his former self, had become an embodiment of raw power and intellect, obedient to the whims of his captors.

Yet, in the depths of Midoriya's altered mind, flickers of resistance persisted. The echoes of his true self whispered within him, a reminder of the hero he once aspired to be. Though ensnared, the remnants of his spirit yearned for liberation, waiting for the opportune moment to break free from the shackles that bound him.

As Doctor observed his creation, a glimmer of doubt crossed his eyes. He couldn't help but wonder if he had gone too far, if the sacrifices made in the name of progress were worth the moral compromises. But in the face of his ambition and the League's insatiable hunger for power, such doubts were swiftly cast aside.

The battle for Midoriya's salvation, for the reclamation of his true self, loomed on the horizon. The heroes, armed with determination and unwavering resolve, prepared to confront the League of Villains and rescue their fallen comrade. And within the depths of Midoriya's altered consciousness, a quiet rebellion continued to smolder, awaiting the spark that would ignite the flames of redemption.

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