Chapter 36: Strategic Measures

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In the hushed corridors of UA, Aizawa and Nezu stood in deep conversation, their expressions grave as they discussed the impending threat looming just five days away.

"The attack is imminent," Aizawa stated, his voice low and measured. "We need to ensure that Midoriya is protected at all costs."

Nezu nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the weight of the situation. "Agreed. We must act swiftly and decisively to safeguard his safety."

As they deliberated, Nezu's sharp intellect raced through the options available to them. "There is a room," he began, his tone thoughtful, "right in the heart of the academy, deep within the underground. It is the most secure location on campus."

Aizawa's brow furrowed with concern as he considered Nezu's proposal. "And you believe this room will provide adequate protection for Midoriya?"

Nezu nodded firmly. "Yes. It is equipped with the latest security measures and is virtually impenetrable. We can ensure that Midoriya will be safe there until the threat has passed."

Aizawa's gaze hardened with resolve. "Then let's make the necessary arrangements. We cannot afford to leave anything to chance."

With a shared understanding of the urgency of their mission, Aizawa and Nezu set their plans into motion. As they worked tirelessly to fortify the academy against the looming threat, they knew that the safety of Midoriya and their students depended on their swift and decisive actions.


And with just two days remaining until the anticipated attack, the atmosphere at UA was charged with tension. Aizawa, accompanied by Midoriya in a wheelchair, made his way through the corridors of the academy, his expression stern and focused.

Bakugou, walking alongside them, cast a protective glance towards Midoriya, his usual fiery demeanor tempered by concern. He knew that time was running short, and the weight of their impending battle hung heavy on his shoulders.

As they reached their destination, Aizawa turned to Bakugou, his gaze piercing. "Bakugou, I need to speak with you," he began, his voice firm but measured.

Bakugou nodded, his jaw clenched in determination. He knew that whatever Aizawa had to say was of the utmost importance.

Taking a deep breath, Aizawa continued. "I understand that emotions will be running high during the battle, but it's crucial that you maintain control," he said, his tone unwavering. "We cannot afford any reckless actions that could jeopardize the safety of the students."

Bakugou's fists clenched at his sides, the weight of Aizawa's words sinking in. He knew that his temper had the potential to get the better of him in the heat of battle, but he also understood the importance of restraint.

"I get it, Aizawa-sensei," Bakugou replied, his voice determined. "I won't let my emotions get the best of me. I'll focus on the task at hand and keep a level head."

Aizawa nodded in approval, his expression softening slightly. "Good," he said, a hint of pride evident in his voice. "We're counting on you, Bakugou."

As they arrived at the secure room deep within the underground of UA, Aizawa and Bakugou carefully wheeled Midoriya inside. The air was heavy with anticipation, each member of the group acutely aware of the looming threat that hung over them.

Once inside, Bakugou turned to Aizawa with a determined expression. "Aizawa-sensei, can I have some time alone with Deku?" he asked, his voice steady despite the underlying urgency.

Aizawa regarded Bakugou for a moment, weighing his request with a thoughtful expression. He knew the importance of the bond between Bakugou and Midoriya, and he trusted Bakugou to handle the situation with care.

"Of course," Aizawa replied, his voice softening slightly. "I'll be just outside if you need anything."

With a nod of thanks, Bakugou watched as Aizawa exited the room, leaving him alone with Midoriya. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Bakugou approached Midoriya's wheelchair, his heart heavy with the weight of the situation.

"Deku," Bakugou began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know you're in there somewhere, damn it. You better be listening."

Midoriya remained still, his gaze distant and unfocused, but Bakugou pressed on, undeterred. He refused to let despair overtake him, knowing that there was still a glimmer of hope buried beneath the surface.

"We've been through a lot, you and me," Bakugou continued, his voice tinged with emotion. "And yeah, I've been a real asshole to you, but that doesn't mean I don't care. I refuse to let you go down without a fight."

As he spoke, Bakugou's resolve hardened, his determination burning bright. He refused to let Midoriya slip away, knowing that their bond was stronger than any obstacle they faced.

"So listen up, Deku," Bakugou declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "We're going to get through this, no matter what it takes. You hear me? You're not alone in this fight."

And as Bakugou stood by Midoriya's side, a torrent of emotions swirled within him. Despite Midoriya's unresponsive state, Bakugou refused to let despair consume him. With a determined glint in his eyes, he continued to address his friend.

"Deku," Bakugou began, his voice soft yet resolute. "I know you can hear me. And I'm not giving up on you, not now, not ever."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in, hoping against hope that somewhere deep within Midoriya's consciousness, his friend was listening.

"When I beat Shigaraki's ass," Bakugou continued, his tone fierce, "you better snap out of it. We've got a lot of unfinished business, you and me."

As he spoke, Bakugou couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within him. It was faint, barely perceptible, but it was there—a flicker of the Midoriya he knew buried beneath the surface.

"We've been through too much together for you to give up now," Bakugou declared, his voice tinged with emotion. "So hang in there, Deku. I'll drag you back kicking and screaming if I have to."

Though Midoriya's response was minimal, a slight twitch of his fingers, Bakugou took it as a sign that his words were being heard. It was a small victory, but in the face of the challenges that lay ahead, it was enough to fuel Bakugou's determination.

With renewed resolve, Bakugou remained by Midoriya's side, a steadfast beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume them. Together, they would weather the storm, their bond stronger than any obstacle they faced.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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