Chapter 10

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"Hello." Taehyung greeted before taking a sip from the water bottle in his hand. "Everyone's been asking for a live with Iseul so here it is." He smiled.

"Where is Iseul?"

"Iseul? She is just getting a jacket for herself. She keeps saying it's cold in here and I feel it's quite hot in here." He answered. Iseul walked into frame, sitting next to Taehyung with a smile on her face.

"Hello everyone and it is cold in here." She waved at the camera. "First live, how are you feeling?" Taehyung asked using the water bottle in his hand as a mic.

"A bit nervous but you know, I don't know actually." She nervously laughed. "There's a first for everything and it'll be fun." He reassured setting his bottle down on the table.

"How did you guys meet"
"English please."

"How we met? Umh I was sitting on a bench crying like on the verge of a panic attack and he helped calm me down and made sure I got home safely." She answered occasionally glancing at Taehyung with a smile on her face.

"omg what happened?"

"You know, shitty superiors." She answered before slapping her mouth with the palms of her hand. "Sorry for my language." She laughed.


"Basically I was always being reported for being a woman. Plus I worked in male dominated office so I would also get harassed a lot." Iseul added. "But I work from home now so I got out of that space."


"She's so much happier now." Taehyung smiled at the camera. "Mostly because of you but you don't need to know that." She muttered.

"How's Las Vegas so far?"

"It's really fun here." Taehyung answered. "I can't wait for the concert." He added.

"Iseul what is one thing Taehyung doesn't know about you?"

She read out loud before looking at the ceiling lost in thought. "Ooh you see that cello case in my living room?" She asked Taehyung. He nodded showing he knew what she was talking about.

"There's an actual cello inside that I can play and I also play the violin." Iseul beamed glancing at the camera. "Wait- really? I thought it was a decorative piece cause you never mentioned it." Taehyung exclaimed with shock evident in his face.

"Mmh, I started learning how to play the cello when I was six years old and the violin at seven. I entered competitions and stuff and I still practice till this day, it just happens that you're never there when I take it out." She excitedly answered.

"You have to play for me when we get back. I can't believe I didn't know about this." Taehyung marvelled. "I will. I have a video if you want to see it." She offered opening her phone.


"Here it is." She said showing Taehyung a video of her playing the Cello in her living room. "This was me probably two weeks ago, like right before we left for LA. I wanted to play one last time before we left." She told the  viewer.

"I'll post it on my story so you guys can see it." She smiled at the camera. "Wow and you can sing. You're really talented." He said amazed. "Thank you, I try." She smiled.

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