Chapter 29

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02:00 a.m

Iseul awoke in the middle of the night with a searing pain in her stomach. She slowly sat up in attempt to not wake Taehyung up. She looked outside the curtain only to see it was still dark outside.

It had been nine months since she fell pregnant and she was two weeks away from her due date. Should I wake him up just yet? She bit her lower lip in deep thought.

Five minutes later another contraction hit making Iseul squeeze her eyes close and grip the blanket dressed over her. "Taehyung, honey..." She trailed off tapping his shoulder. "Wake up." She groaned loudly when she felt another contraction.

"What? What's wrong? Is it time?" He shot up, questions flooding out of his lips. "Mmh." Iseul frantically nodded. "Please find someone that could watch Haneul for us." She breathed out.

"Okay, I'll get the hospital bag too." He nodded picking up his phone from the nightstand from his side of the bed. He got out of the bed glancing at the digital clock, 02:07a.m.

On his way out, Taehyung turned on the light of the room on. Iseul looked around the room she had been cooped up in for last three weeks because her OB/GYN put her on bed rest.

Although she cheated and spend Haneul's first birthday on her feet making sure everything looked perfect. She obviously felt the brunt of it later that night when she felt extreme fatigue and her feet swelled up.

Taehyung walked back into the room minutes later holding a bag. "Jungkook agreed to come over and stay with her." He said walking to Iseul's side. "He said he'll arrive in ten minutes, can you wait that long?" He asked sitting on the edge.

Iseul nodded shifting so that her back was turned to Taehyung. "Can you please braid my hair?" She asked, her hand moving to her stomach to rub it.

"How are you feeling?" He asked standing up and running his fingers through her hair. "Not good, the pain is making it seem as if Haneul's birth was a walk in the park." She answered as Taehyung started braiding her hair.

"When I suggest having another baby, call me crazy and curse me out okay? Maybe in five to ten years I'll reconsider but we're still young." Iseul joked.

Taehyung let out a breathy laugh as he finished the first line of the French braids. The only type of braid he knows how to do. "I won't forget." He said.

A few minutes later Jungkook arrived and the couple were now in the living room. "I'll send you Haneul's schedule since we don't know how long we're going to be long for." Taehyung explained as he helped Iseul walked to the door leading to the garage of their new house.

Jungkook nodded with a small smile before saying, "Goodluck!"

07:21 a.m

It had been five hours since Iseul arrived at the hospital and she was hunched over the hospital bed. "Ugh!" She yelled into her arms.

What's up with these fucking nurses? Iseul thought. She had been ten centimetres dilated for the past hour yet none of them called her doctor.

Iseul ended up calling her herself ten minutes before meaning she had twenty minutes until she arrived. The door of the private hospital room opened revealing Taehyung holding a water bottle.

"Oh honey, Dr Kim is on her way." He sadly said walking over to her. "C'mon let's get you on the bed." He place the bottle on the table next to the bed. Taehyung was pissed, really pissed.

He and his fiancé had been asking for the hospital to call Dr Kim but all the nurses would say the same thing, "We cannot call her just yet Mr Kim. Please be patient." He didn't know what do to to help in the moment but he knew what he was going to do when he left the hospital.

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