King has it all

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One week later.

Sally: "Do you have everything love?"

Nico: "Yes baby girl"

Sally: "Great then lets go"

Nico: "Your excited to see Nicole"

Sally: "Yes I am, I miss her"

On the plane Nico still can't stop thinking about the fact that he will become a dad soon. Sally is excited to start her new journey as Mrs Lewis, married to billionaire playboy.
Sally feels nausous and run to the toilet. Nico follows her and wait outside the door. Sally got out looking pale. Nico guides her to her seat and order her water.

Nico: "Are you ok baby girl?"

Sally: "I'm fine love"

Sally runs up and down a few times and blames the flight for being nausous. At the airport Nicole awaits them.

Nicole: "Welcome home guys, Sally you don't look too good. Are you feeling ok?"

Sally: "Yes dear. I'm just a bit nausous from the long flight"

Nicole: "Let's get home"

They go home. At home Nico sees Maria and ask Nicole what she is doing here.

They go to Nicole's office.

Nicole: "Like I said, I have something to discuss with you'll"

Nico: "Get to the point"

Sally: "Nico calm down and give Nicole a chance to speak"

Nicole: "Thank you Sally. Well Maria is also having your baby Nico, she has no intention to keep it. I told her she can move in and stay with us for a while till your back then we can figure out what to do next."

Nico: "Is it even my child?"

Nicole: "Yes, she is already 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant, I'm also 5 weeks and 3 days along which means the day you slept with me and Victoria, you also slept with her"

Sally: "That was the first day we met"

Sally is bloody angry and walks to her bedroom. She closes the door and lay on her bed.

Nico order Jasmine to get a Dr to come and see Sally.

Some time later the dr arrives.

Jasmine goes to the lounge where Nico and Nicole is busy having sex. She turns around and takes the dr up to Sally's room.

The doctor run a few tests and speaks to Sally.

The Dr makes an appointment for the next day so Sally can get the results of the tests.

Sally sits in her room still prossessing the news of a second pregnancy. She feel jealous that even the maid is pregnant. And Nico did not even have the decency to come to her room with the doctor.

She walks down stairs and Jasmine tell her Nico and Nicole is still in the lounge.
Sally walk over and open the door loud they hear her and turn around. Sally see they are busy having sex and gets very angry. Sally walks out and go to her bedroom she lock herself in and falls on her bed. She cries and cries.

"Will I ever get used to sharing my husband? Will I now be last as he even got the maid pregnant?"

Sally ask herself.

The next day Sally goes out early in the morning without telling anyone where she is going.
Sally goes to the Dr.

"Your pregnant dear, almost 2 weeks along"

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