Three is a crowd

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Nico: "Well I see it did not take you to long to move on"

Sally: "Nico what did you hear?"

Nico: "Everything"

Sally: "It is just a fling and things at home get tough at times with all your children we don't have time for sex"

Nico: "I'm here now I will give you all the sex you need by the way since when is it only my children?"

Sally: "Let's see 2 from me, 1 from Veronica, 3 with wifey Maria"

Nico: "What wait... I have only 1 with Maria and none with Veronica"

Sally: "After you ran away Maria found out she is pregnant and we adopted all 3 of her kids and Veronica and Maria both fell pregnant the day we met Veronica gave Luna up for adoption and she is also staying with us"

Nicole walks in and see the look of dissapointment on Sally's face.

Nicole: "Ready for dinner?"

Nico: "Sure let's go"

Sally: "You'll go ahead I just want to go great the kids first"

Nicole and Nico walk to the dinning room and Sally stay behind looking at them. Nico grab Nicole and kiss her Nicole look back to see if Sally can see them. Sally is pissed of but deep down very turned on. Nicole pushes Nico away and walk faster.

Sally goes to greet the kids and decided to sit with them till the help serves dinner for the kids.

Nicole takes her seat and Nico pour a glass of wine for Nicole and Sally. Nico sit across from Nicole.

Nico: "I've never had fish under the dining table"

He push his chair back and get under the table.
He crawls to where Nicole is sitting. Push her legs apart and places his hands on her g-string stroking against it.

Nicole: "Sally welcome love"

Nicole shut her legs

Sally: "Where did our husband dissapear to?"

Nico: "Here under the table, I was looking for Nicole's earring which she found by her chair leg and now I can't seem to get up"

Sally burst into laughter. Nicole can't help but to laugh with her. They help Nico and let him sit on his chair again.
Nico kisses Sally on the cheek and says thank you. Sally pull back and sit on her chair.

Sally: "Jasmine please dish"

Nico: "I'll only have a little please"

Nicole: "Are you on a diet?"

Nico: "No love not at all"

Sally: "So Nico where have you been?"

Nico: "I'm here to stay and that is all that matters"

Sally: "Why did you run?"

Nico: "Maria drove me insane"

Sally: "So you leave 2 wives behind cause the 3rd wasnt pleasing you"

Nicole: "Sally baby"

Nico: "It is okay she has all the right in the world to be angry at me and even hate me"

Sally: "Just think for yourself your a father to 5, what do you think your children would think if they seen the headlines we had to hide?"

"Mr Lewis & Stripper on drug outing"

"3 Wives 5 children and Mr Lewis on the run with Candy"

"Stripper with Mr Lewis on a drug spree"

"Mr Lewis business man to Candy man"

"Mr Lewis Gone?"

Nico: "Please stop baby girl"

Sally: "Yes before I loose my appitite"

Nicole just sit and does not say a word she just remembered how much it hurt when Nico moved out and choose Maria and then dissapeared into thin air.

Nicole: "I already lost my appitite"

Nico: "Can the children have dinner with us?"

Sally: "No they will stay in routine"

Nicole: "You can see them after dinner"

Sally: "You can sleep over Nico, I have things to do at the club I'll sleep there too and I hope tomorrow when I get back your gone Nico and theres no need to tell the children your the father cause you wont be around for long"

Before anyone can say anything Sally walk out and leave Nico and Nicole to have dinner.
Sally goes straight to the club.
When she got to the club she is not that curious on staying. She had high hopes of having Nico's penis in her again.
Remona sees Sally's office light is turned on and hope she is in there.
Remona goes upstairs and knock on the door.

Sally: "Come inside"

Sally is shocked to see Remona cause her last booked dance was at 18:00

Remona: "I seen the lights were on and thought maybe you want company"

Sally: "Yeah I can do with a distraction"

Remona: "Want to talk about it?"

Sally: "No but I think there is other ways to get rid of stress"

Sally grab Remona and pull her towards her. She kisses Remona and grab her ass tight. Remona push everything off the desk and push Sally back on the table.
Remona spread open Sally's legs so she can fit between them.
Remona places her finger inside Sally's pussy and suck on her clit. Sally gasp and move her hips from side to side.
Remona step back and takes out her lingerie dress.
She places her clit on Sally's and rubs it together fast.
Sally grab Remona's breast and suck her nipples while holding her breast in her hands.
Remona moves faster and all Sally can think about is Nico's penis in her pussy.
Remona cums and Sally start screaming as she cums. They get off the desk and Sally grab her clothes.

Sally: "Thank you boo but I have to go"

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