Meet your cargo

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14 years later (TJ's an 16 year old)

(TJ's P.O.V.)
I walk through the streets of the QZ. "I'm sorry" I apologized after bumping into someone. I recieved a glare in return. I walk further and eventually when I am far enough away from the person. I pulled my hand out of my jacket revealing the multiple cards that represent our current currency, that I just pickpocketed from him. "Well thanks stranger" I chuckle as I count the cards. Its around 50 worths total of cards. I continue my way to the working ground, where my father was working. I arrive and see him waiting in line to recieve some of the cards. Today he had burn duty. This was the job where you burn all the bodies of all the people that FEDRA had killed because they where infected. Sometimes I help out but most jobs aren't great when you have asthma. Like the smoke of this particular job. Or its unsenitary. Like the sewer maintenance. Imagine dropping your inhaler in there. After he recieved his payment, I catch up to him. With a nod he awknowledge my arrival but otherwise doesn't say anything. "Jason Choi, violation of EMC 342.3, unauthorized exit of a Quarintine Zone" a Fedra officer speaks loudly as we arrive at the square, where they hang people who disobeyed their law. "Maria Elisiano, violation of EMC 342.7, unauthorized entry into a Quarantine Zone. Each of you have been tried in a military court of justice, and each of you have been found guilty". I notice my dad look to our right. A different Fedra officer leans against a post of a street lamp. "Give me a second" he tells me before walking off. "Dude's an asshole" I comment as I look up at him, "I know" he simply replies before walking off. I turn my attention back to the execution of the three people. I've seen it before and it doesn't effect me anymore. Eventually, dad returns and sticks his hand out. Indicating he wanted the cards. Him and Tess know that I often pickpocket people. Its a shit world and people do shit things that will only they will benefit from. And we are one of them. I handed him the cards before being told to go. Before I could even open my mouth to argue that I also wanted to go to the radio, dad just gave me a glare. I scoff and turn on my heel to make my way home.

The next day

I sit against the wall, while cleaning my take-down bow. This weapon is my speciality. Bill had taught my how to use it and then Frank had given me it as a gift. Bill wasn't to happy to loose one of his bows to a, then 9 year old. But if someone was going to get it, he would've wanted it to be me. "Raw talent" Bill had said eventually said, claiming my natural talent with the bow and arrow. Growing up, I got better at aim and quicker with reloading. Even developed my own style. I looked up at the sound of someone in the kitchen. It was Tess and she was making herself and dad some coffee. I had woken up an hour before her and already had my own coffee. I turn my head to look at dad who began to wake up before walking over to sit at the table. Tess sat down on the chair beside him, placing the cups on the table. I frownes when I noticed her bruised face. Dad soon saw it aswell and sprang into action. But didn't make it far because Tess calmed him down "I got jumped by some guys". "What guys?" Dad questioned her, "just a couple teenagers" she answered back with a shrugg, "said some shit probably shouldn't've". Dad stood up abrubtly, probably grabbing something to clean her wounds. "Come on. You know these guys where born after the outbreak. Never learned how to argue. They just start swingin'. Fuckin' teenagers". "I take offense to that" I said mixing myself into the conversation, "you where born before the outbreak" Tess snapped playfully, "yeah, but you said teenagers. And I am also a teenager" I said throwing a clean cloth towards dad. "It's a mircale you're alive" dad said coming back to the table. "It's a miracle any of us are alive" Tess said. To which I nodded in agreement. Dad began to clean Tess's wounds before telling her that they aren't new. To which she admitted that she was in Fedra lockup all day. "I need you to take a breath" she calmly said pushing his hands away from her face. "The guys who jumped me where with Robert. He sold our battery to someone else". Immediatly dad grew annoyed and put his head in his hands in frustration. "Nothing is lost and shit like this is going to happen. Now we just shake it off, and we go get our cards back, or the battery". "I need the battery, Tess" dad snapped and slammed his hand on the table before standing up. "Trucks no good without one and if I don't get to Tommy soon he's going to die out there". "Okay fuck it. We get our money back and the battery" Tess said and they made a plan.

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