Tiff And Chucky

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"Ah shit. Way ago Tiff, as always your big mouth got us in trouble." Chucky said.

"Me?! You started it all plastic and no brain." Tiffany scolded.

"Wow!" Ivory actually smiled. "I heard of dolls that can talk but these two are talking like they're real."

"Uh, yeah, we're just genius talking dolls." Chucky said.

"Oh Chucky don't lie to her, I want to know what's going on with her." Tiffany said before turning back to Ivory. "We're not really dolls sweet face. We're people."

Ivory looked at them confused as in to not know if they're still just talking dolls or she actually so stupid to have confused dolls with real people.

"Nice Tiff." Chucky glared. "What she means is we're people in doll bodies."

"How?" Ivory asked.

"Magic." Chucky said as he did jazz hands.

"Anyway sweetie, I'm Tiffany and this is Chucky." Tiffany introduced. "What's your name?"


"Where your parents kid?" Chucky asked.

"I don't know." She answered.

"What do you mean?" Tiffany asked.

"I haven't seen them in a long time. They just send me money for food but that's it, they don't even call." Ivory explained.

"What? They just leave you all by yourself?" Tiffany gasped shocked.

"Yeah." Ivory said sadly.

"Oh Chucky, please." Tiffany begged.

Chucky groaned and looked around. This place was huge but there wasn't anything really in it. That has to change. "This place sucks."

"Chucky!" Tiffany scolded.

"What? It does, this place is emptier than a box of chocolates at a weight watchers meeting." He turned to Ivory. "Look kid, Tiffany and I need a place to hide so you let us stay here with you and we'll help you fix this place up."

"Really?! Thank you thank you!" Ivory hugged the two possessed dolls to her and jumped with joy.

"Oh Chucky, she's so sweet. I can tell we're gonna love living with her." Tiffany said.

"Yeah yeah where's the food?" Chucky asked.

"I'm just making some soup." Ivory said.

"You shouldn't be holding knives that sharp sweet face. Here, I'll do it." Tiffany said.

Chucky was looking though the cupboards. "Where's the pork rinds? If I'm going to redecorate this shit I'm gonna need some pork rinds."

"I don't know what that is." Ivory told him.

"Meat kid, I need meat." Chucky answered.

"Um.. I think I have some ham slices." You told him.

"Oh Chucky stop being so picky." Tiffany scold. "Once we get some money and fixes this up we'll get this poor child and ourselves some real protein."

"How the hell are we going to eat without a table?" Chucky asked.

"I just use the couch." Ivory explained.

"Chucky, if you're going to be a father you have to think of yourself second." Tiffany told him. "We need to get this girl a whole new everything."

"Just let eat this soup then I can go hunting for money." Chucky chuckled.

'How do you get money?" Ivory asked.

"Grown up stuff sweetheart." Was all Tiffany said.

"Aw come on Tiff, lets tell her." Chucky insisted.

"No, she is too young." Tiffany glared.

"You use to be fun." Chucky mumbled.

"Anyway do you have any bread?" Tiffany asked Ivory.

Ivory was about to answer but the phone in the livingroom rang which surprised her. It never rings. Ivory went over to it.

"Hello." Ivory answered.

"Hello, may I asked you a question?" The voice on the phone asked.


"What's your favorite scary movie?" 

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