Camp Crystal Lake

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"I've never been to camp before." Ivory said as Michael parked the car and got out before looking around. "What are we looking for Michael?" Ivory asked.

Michael of course didn't answer he just scanned the whole area before slowing walking towards the mess hall with Ivory following him. Michael opened the doors and started piling the chairs and other abandoned kitchen tools into the truck. Just then a very tall man about Michael's height smashed the door and stomped in.

"Hi Mister, the door was unlocked." Ivory said completely casual as if that was the most normal thing in the world.

Michael stared at the girl once again wondering how one kid can be completely fearless before he shook his head and looked up at Jason.

Jason stared at the two in just as much confusion. What was Michael Myers and a small girl doing here? A small girl who isn't afraid of either of them and since when does Michael not kill anyone that gets too close to him?

Michael gently patted the kid's head to show Jason that this kid was under his protection before walking up to him.

Ivory watched as the two stared at each other both standing stiffly before walking up and tugging on Michael's shirt making him look down at her. "Are you two reading each other's minds?"

Michael and Jason both made a sound that sounded like a choked up chuckle before Michael held out his hand for Jason to shake. Jason hesitated for a moment before looking down at Ivory.

"I love this girl Jason." Jason heard his mother say. "She's special and she will treat us with respect, protect her Jason, protect her with everything you have. Kill those who would dare harm her or cause her any sadness."

Jason looked back up at Michael before shaking his hand and helping him load up more stuff into the truck. Michael figured getting all this stuff for free would be a lot easier than robbing a town store. Since Michael and Jason were so strong they carried everything with no problem so Ivory just carried little things such as plates that weren't broken and even found some big spoons and forks.

"Is your friend coming home with us Michael?" Ivory asked. "Tiffany has Chucky, Billy and Stu have each other, now you can have someone too, it's perfect and I can play with all of you and I can tell you two are really good friends."

Michael and Jason once again both looked at each other before Jason got down on his knee and looked right at Ivory. Ivory showed no sign of fear, disgust, or even judgement. All he saw was something he's never seen anyone except his mother give him. Acceptance.

Jason got back up on his feet and nodded his head.

Ivory cheered before getting into the backseat of the car so Jason can have the front seat with Michael. Good thing the truck is heavily tinted. 

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