~Part 15~

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[Abigail's POV]

"And... a little reminder Abigail, do not fail me... for tomorrow" Alphonse reminded as I just nod my head at him.

I always knew, from the very beginning.

Duke Alphonse took me in because he sees a potential in me, he took me in because he knew that he could take me into good use someday. But I'm not complaining, because... from the moment I ran away from my own Kingdom, I didn't care where fate takes me. I see Duke Alphonse as my father and as a lost child, I longed for my parents' love

He grinned, gently tapping my head and enveloping me in his arms, holding me close as if I were his own child. I took a deep breathe and rested my head on his shoulder, feeling the embrace as I hugged him back.

"Father..." It didn't take long for me to confess what I'm feeling at this very moment, I silently cried into his shoulder while he stayed silent and caressed my back lightly, helping me calm myself a little.

"I know..." He said and hugged me even tighter "Your decision may have took a piece away from your heart yet do keep it in mind. It is for the best" He added

My heart wanted to protest yet... My brain tells me that he's somehow right.

He wanted what's best for me and I cannot blame him for it.

This is the reason why... I desired to safeguard this Kingdom, even if it required sacrificing my own life. I wished to ensure the safety of those I hold dear, to the extent that I would give up everything.

We kept in place for a little longer, yet...

"I needed to go Abigail, take a good rest for tonight" He spoke and broke the hug before facing me as he wiped the tears left in my face then gave me a small smile and walked towards the door. "and be more careful and alert, don't let your guard down even at night" He added as he walked out of the room and closed the door.

I sighed and slowly sat at the edge of the bed...

I refrained myself from thinking about what happened earlier yet I cannot get my mind out of it.

It kept flowing over and over just like a broken recorder that keeps playing the same scene.

It'll take time to heal this invincible cut, but I am certain that everything will go well.

Edward will be married to Lady Mara while I will be tied with Philip. This way, there will be no chaos between our families because that's all I wanted, for our kingdom to remain peace.

But, would that what Edward wanted?

To be precise, I don't know what he has in mind... I can't tell what he's thinking at that very moment.

But, I just hoped that he would understand my side.

Although.... I don't want that to affect my work.

What happened earlier was already done and I can't change a thing about it. All I need to do now is focus on the future.


I almost forgot about it, now that the enemies were scattered around the kingdom. I cannot ensure everyone's safety even at night, yet now that he mentioned it then he may have ordered to tighten the security.

But, I can't just take a rest when everyone's life is in danger. I need to find out the person behind this, at least at night, I can spy on my suspects without anyone noticing or knowing.

I quickly stood up and went outside my room where some servants greeted me.

"Under my command, no one should enter my room without notice" I clarified to the servants and they all bowed their heads down as a response on my orders then went back inside the room and closed the door.

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