••• PART 4 •••

446 38 191

*** WARNING ***

If you haven't finished Part 3, please be aware that there might be spoilers ahead. ❤


It's now or never.

There isn't much left of the old Sarah, and that girl died a long time ago. Corrupt by fear and painful betrayals, Emilia teeters on the edge of darkness. As her heart grows cold, she becomes a person she once despised—a slave to addiction, a master manipulator, and a remorseless killer.

In a race against her own demons, Emilia has to make a choice. Staying close to Pablo is the key to survival, but she yearns for something more. Running away with Juan is her only hope to live a life free of terror.

For love and liberty, she has to risk it all.



I'm still shocked by the absolute downpour of support this book has received this year. I started writing this book in November 2021, and when I reached 20K reads back in February 2023, I was ecstatic.

Then something incredible happened. Every single month, between March and May of 2023, I gained as many reads as I had in the entire previous year. I'm writing this on June 24th, 2023, and Drugs, Treasons and Other Demons sits at 81.5K reads.

This. Is. Insane.

I write a lot of words (there are over 260K of them in this book alone) but I don't think I'll ever find the right ones to express just how happy, proud and grateful this makes me feel.

I know not many people care about author's notes, but if anyone is reading, I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for every single read, vote or comment you've left on my book, because each of them fills my heart with joy. Thank you for spamming my message board asking for another chapter, because it motivates this lazy old Coati to keep on writing. Thank you for reaching out to tell me how my book made you feel, how you loved a chapter (and y'all usually say this on chapters I thought weren't good) or how you love to hate my characters. There is nothing in the world more gratifying than getting this kind of feedback from readers.

You've all done more to promote my book than I could manage myself. You might not even notice, but when you leave a vote or a comment on DTOD, it helps it go up in rankings, and allows new readers to find it. I know many of you have spoken about this book to your friends or siblings (which I'm too scared to do myself), shared it on their socials, or recommended it to other people on Wattpad, and again, I can't thank you enough.

Your support is incredible, heartwarming, and always so encouraging, and I never expected to get so much. All I ever do is write down my daydreams from a broken couch in a messy flat in Guatemala.

Sarah Kennedy is also a huge part of me. We don't have all the same struggles or backstory (my Mom is actually amazing, she's reading Part 2 right now and when you get to this part of the book, Mom, I love you <3) but we do share many personality traits, and a lot of anecdotes (like hugging a quesadilla all night after I puked on a Taco Bell parking lot, or breaking up with a guy because he sounded like a Minecraft villager -- fun fact, I was also almost kidnapped in the same way she was, except I didn't get out of the car).

The fact that so many of you love and root for Sarah no matter how annoying she becomes makes part of me feel very very loved, and thanks to all your reactions to the book, whether towards the writing or the characters, I've never felt so confident. And that's kind of a huge deal for me.

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