4| trust issues

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I was finally entering the café and sat down on a chair at the bar. Next to me was a very pretty Girl sitting. I think a bit older than me but still gorgeous.

„Your order ma'am?", a man at the bar talked to me.

„Just a simple iced coffee", i replied.

„These are the best", the pretty girl next to me said.

„Yeahh, i could drink it all day long", i laughed and she did too.

„Im sira and you?", she reached her hand to me.

„Kiana, nice to meet you"

She just smiled and we started talking a lot.

„Are you in a relationship?", she asked me.

„No, i had a bad past with boys and now i have kind of trust issues"

„Oh im sorry to hear that, if you want to talk about it, go on"

„Maybe an other day, what about you? Single?"

„No actually not, i have a boyfriend"

„Interesting, i want to know more"

„His name is ferran torres and he is a football player at Barcelona"

„Oh yeah, i know him actually or kinda"


„I was at a game yesterday with my uncle Xavi and my brother Luca"

„Ohh, so Luca and kai are you brothers?"

„Yess, how do you know them?"

„Luca is literally a main character, he supports them with his whole heart"

I just started laughing and so did she. We laughed a lot and she is a very nice girl. I hope we can hang out more often, it'll be fun.

„I think i need to go but what about we exchange numbers? So we can meet another time"

„Yeah sure"

I gave her my number and after she gave me a hug she left. I was now alone drinking my coffee.

It was 5pm after i was finished with shopping too.

I got some new dresses and T-Shirts because I'll need them for summer.

I was standing in front of the door searching for my keys but i didn't find them, so i had to ring the ugly bell.

Surprisingly Kai didn't open the door, Gavi did.

„Still here?", i asked.

„Yupp", he answered.

He then went back to kai and they continued playing FIFA, but there were two other boys too. I think they were pedri and balde.

„Oh hi guys", i greeted them all.

„Hey!", Pedri and Balde said.

„Were y'all playing this the whole day? So boring"

„Try, you cant stop if you start", Gavi said.

They all were nodding now and i was thinking about trying it out.

„Can i have a controller?", i asked them.

They were all looking at me in shock, they never saw a girl trying to play FIFA?

„Uhm yeah, take mine", Kai said.

„Kiana against Gavi", my brother said.

We started to play, gavi as barcelona and me as madrid. It was a very interesting game but i did won, somehow.

„And you never played it?", Gavi asked me.

„Nope, im just lucky", i replied.

„She's good damn", balde said.

My brother looked at me with big eyes, he was scarring the hell out of me.

„You against me, im better than gavi", pedri said proud.

„no, you're not", gavi offended.

„shut up, of course i am", pedri winked.


„Of course"


„Guys sorry but shut up, im better than both of you", i laughed.

„Lets see", pedri said and started the game.

The round finished and i won again.

„What do you say now?", i said.

„Damn, you're a talent", pedri replied.

Gavis POV:

„Kiana, how?", Kai asked.

„I don't know, really"

„I better don't try, im so bad at FIFA, im more for GTA", balde said.

We started laughing and then Pedri played against Kai. Balde and i talked for a while and Kiana was texting someone. I wonder who it was.

After she looked at me i realised i was staring at her. Embarrassing.

But she was pretty chill and just smiled at me, thats cute. She had a beautiful smile.

No, wtf Gavi wake up.

„Oh guys, do y'all know sira?", Kiana asked.

„Yes! Sira martinez, right?", I asked.

„Yeahh, she's so adorable. I met her in the café today and we became friends"

„That means, you'll come more often to our games? Because shes ferrans girlfriend you know that right?", i said.

„Yes i know that and i actually thought about it and im coming to your games more often now"

Kai turned around like someone said something illegal.

„Did i hear that right?", Kai said i disbelief.

„Kinda..", Kiana whispered.

„im just a bit shocked", Kai told and we all started laughing again.

„Yeah, yeah. Get me a jersey first"

„which name?", i asked.

„Hm, dont know, you pick one", she said smiling.


„Oh then ill pick myself", i smiled back at her.

„Do that", she said and went upstairs.

Im so doing that.


4. Chapter 🥀

Let me know what you think, i always care about other thoughts and of course i love ur comments!

Thank you for reading, i love ya


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