Oh, shit.

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Storm eye — who's name is Nicolas Ricci but storm eyes fits him better — must've realized how weird and awkward our little stare down was as he looked away. Did he recognize me? He couldn't have, I have my mask on. The only thing showing through my mask was my eyes and some of the top half of my face.

I shrugged it off as Derek and Miya led me through the crowd and into the back, where we warmed up.

Finally, it was time for Derek to fight. He winked at us and he went into the ring. He was up against an opponent- Bone Crusher - which was a horribly ridiculous name.

Who the fuck chooses that name for themselves willingly? I swear he had to be forced or this was done without his knowing because Bone Crusher..? Really?

Is that the best he could have possibly came up with?

'Bone Crusher' wore nothing but some loose shorts that sagged down, revealing his boxers that indeed had 'BC' imprinted many times around the top. Who wears loose shorts to a fight? Is he stupid or dumb? Perhaps he was idiotic, or maybe an imbecile? His hands were poorly wrapped and he was leaning on his left leg. He was lazily bouncing on his toes, seemingly very confident that he would win.

Within 10 minutes, Derek walked out of the ring in victory with nothing but a small bruise on the chin, a bloody nose and disheveled hair whilst 'Bone Crusher' laid on the floor of the ring, bloody, bruised, and unconscious. Oh, he was also pantsed.

See? Told ya it was a bad idea to wear loose shorts.

Me and Miya congratulated Derek as he walked to us and waited until it was Miya's turn. Finally, her fight name was called and she entered the ring. Her head held high as she went up another woman opponent.

The girl was named 'Watermelons.'

She didn't even have any.


Okay then...!!!!  Anyways !!

The girl had a good form but her right shoulder was clearly injured. Other than that, there was no notable outs for 'Watermelons'. She was a decent fighter, I'm not going to lie.

After a good 13 minutes, Miya walked out the ring, once again in victory with only a busted lip, bloody nose, and few bruises whilst 'Watermelons' laid unconscious on the floor — her face bloody, body bruised and slightly injured shoulder now dislocated.

Me and Derek congratulated Miya and after a good 20 minutes my fight name was finally called. I was wished good luck as I stepped into the ring, my head held high whilst confidence and power practically radiated off of me. The crowd went absolutely feral hearing my name.

I scanned the now more clear crowd for a certain person when I couldn't find him, I was quite disappointed.

Until of course, I looked at the person I was fighting against.

Standing in front of me, in a good fighting stance with perfectly wrapped hands and amused eyes, was Nicolas Ricci in all his glory. He wore shorts and a large T-shirt.

He had a dumb grin etched on his face and his eyes were twinkling with something I couldn't recognize.

But one thing was going through my mind, one question; Why was Nicolas Ricci here in an underground fight club and why the fuck did I have to go against him when there's a clear weight difference, and a clear size difference?

I quickly scanned the crowd once more and spotted Derek and Miya, who gave me encouraging looks whilst I gave them a very distinct nod before looking back at Nicolas. My green eyes connected with his grey ones and it felt like butterflies erupted in my stomach. I shrugged off the odd feeling that went through me and my eyes fell to his tattooed arm, where on his right forearm laid a tattoo I was familiar with...a tattoo that symbolized something that would make many people cower at the sight of it.

That's when I realized I very much did recognize Nicolas Ricci. I realized I know who he was.. and why he's here.

Nicolas Ricci is the don of the fucking Spanish Mafia.

Oh, shit.
__________________________________Word Count: 663

been a while since I've updated, but I'm BACKKK MOTHERFUCKAAAASZ🥹

Sorry for the horribly late update but I was planning to do it yesterday completely forgetting I wouldn't have time to since it was Eid.


anwyayysysss I tried my best with this and the next few chapters but ily all, STAY HYDRATED ANS GO EAT SOMETHING, MAKE SURE TO GET REST 2!!!!

Ily lovelies, comment and vote- don't be a silent reader !!<33333

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