Chapter 10

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WARNING! This chapter contains sexual scenes. Please be prepared.


When I was little, I used to have many feelings and could express them but now I can't. Honestly, I think I don't have a heart or I have but it's made from stone. You see my brother and I used to be very close, after all, we are twins. One day when I was playing with my friends in the yard my father came and took me inside the house to talk. At first, I thought that I had done something wrong but he said that I have to stop being close to my friends and others because they are affecting my life. And I remember one line he said which I even now I follow.

Feelings make people weak.

Every time I think this, I put a wall on my face. Well, Parker did everything to make the old me how I used to be but he saw that I wasn't going to change and eventually stopped. Then some years later I met Logan in my chess lessons. At first, I didn't speak to him but he made me drop my walls when he was around. And I made a friend. We are not close like best friends but he's my buddy.

Five months before I came here with my brother, I knew that I will have him on my team with his other friends. But I didn't expect that. Every guy on my team is pretty good and has fighting skills. Well, expect two or three who have to practice and learn to get better. But I will make us the best team at school.

Although, in all this, I didn't expect to have a girl until I talked with Mr. Clearborn. Monica is just a sixteen-year-old girl who only knows how to laugh and make jokes. I can't say, she has a hot body with tattoos and green eyes with blonde hair but I can't stand her. Every time I see her, I want to punch her and... fuck her hard. Because she made me want to laugh at her or make jokes and I hate her. I hate her so much.

I will only tell you this. I don't want her on my team because she will destroy it. If the guys catch feelings for her,  team will be broken. Also, I can see that some of them have already caught interest. I even have seen my brother looking at her with hungry eyes and it was the first time he acted like that with a girl. And I can see it in his eyes. Not only she doesn't fit on this team but her place is not in this school.

All the students are looking at her and eventually, when the time is right, they will eat her like chocolate. Every time she walks by, some students are looking at her like she's a baked bunny. Also, when we made the fighting testing with the team, I didn't expect her to tackle me on the ground so fast. Not even my brother has won me before. That's another reason I can't stand her. Every day she releases something new about her and I can't stop being intrigued about her. On the other hand, I know that she's hiding more secrets that we don't know. But I promise to discover everything she is hiding.

The school day just finished and I'm heading to our room to take a shower, eat and announce some great news to the guys. As I take the stairs Tyson comes down. "Hey man." he says "Are you going to stay inside, because today is the first day of October? Everyone says they want to celebrate because they survived one month here."

"Yeah, I will take the rest of the team out. Hope to have fun, you know?" I say while running my hand through my long black hair. "I know" he signs and adds "Have fun." "You too, man." and he continues taking the stairs down. When I'm finally to our door I open it and found Luke with Tristan in the living room. They see me and say in unison "Hey, leader." I guess this is what they would call me now. I like it. I smirk and respond "Hey, dogs." and head to the bathroom. Afterward, I took a shower I seer to the living room to find all the guys there, including Monica. She sits between Luke and Noah. They are holding their plates with food while watching TV.

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