Epilogue 1

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This chapter contains sexual scenes!


"Wake up, little devil."

I stirred from the sleep as I felt a weight on my stomach. I slowly opened my eyes and stared into green eyes. I blushed when my eyes trailed to his bare chess. "I didn't know you could be a little devil in bed." Luke teased from my other side. I turned to see him. He was propped in one arm, his other around my waist, squeezing me.

My eyes went down and down. The blanket was covering him from his abs and down, and I swallowed. Memories came from yesterday, and I turned and covered my head with the blanket in embarrassment. It warmth my naked body under the covers.

Someone tugged the blanket. "You don't get shy after the things we saw yesterday, Mon Ange." I groaned and peeked my head from the blankets. They were watching me while smirking. "And I didn't know you could scream my name so loud." I shot back.

Their eyes widened in amusement. They chuckled. I heard noise from downstairs and I sat up. It was two weeks after the ceremony, and we had scheduled to come to our holiday house with the guys, my brothers, and their families for a barbecue. But we would stay for more days than them. Just to relax.

"We should get up. The others will be waiting." I said, and crawled to the edge of the bed, not caring to take with me the blanket to cover myself. I heard groans from behind me, and I smiled. I stood up and grabbed one of Luke's shirt, Logan's pants, and clean underwear. I turned to them. They were looking at me like they would eat me. I shivered. I pointed a finger at them. "Dress up and stop staring at me like that, you dogs." I giggled and opened the door as they stood.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Good morning," I said.

Ian came from behind me and hugged me. "Morning, darling." I turned and kissed him on the lips. He released me and I went to Parker. He grabbed my head and kissed my forehead. So sweet.

A slap came to my ass checks and I screamed. Hunter walked to the door that led outside where the rest were, holding a cup of coffee. He smirked. "We heard you loud and clear yesterday." I blushed. "And?"

His eyes darkened. "I should be there watching you three as each one took his turn with you."

An arm came to my shoulders, walking me to the door. "All the others are waiting." Tristan sang. I laughed and let him take me outside. Tristan's parents were at the barbecue with the other parents, as well as my parents. I smiled and Tristan kissed my cheek, I went to them. My mother opened her arms and I hugged her. Her familiar scent caught me off guard. I released her and my dad kissed my head.

"Was your trip okay?" I asked them. My mother smiled. "It was incredible. I didn't know that the earth had changed after so many years."

My father put an arm around my mother's shoulders. "Your mother wants to go on vacation to the Himalayas." He narrowed his eyes and I laughed.

"Himalaya? Really?"

"What? I love to go. For a new adventure." She said.

Chased by Life and Deathحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن