13- second dates?

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present; narrative + flashback + instagram

Having a social life in university was basically impossible. The only time I saw Paige was at practice which I started missing because I had an insane amount of exams soon. I only saw Rose in the morning before class because by the time she got home I was either passed out or studying and she knew I didn't want to be disturbed. That had become almost everyone's life since exams were coming up. Paige was juggling school, basketball and the fame she had. Us seeing each other was almost a rare occasion these days. It was even worse knowing after school ended my mom was expecting me in New York to see her.

Every holiday I came up with an excuse on why I couldn't be home but summer was the one time a year where it was unavoidable. Even the thought of being home made me sick.


A week before I leave for university. Now was the best and worst time to tell her. Best because if it went horribly I would be leaving soon anyways, worst because mom was struggling with the divorce. To make it even worse, dad was already remarried with a baby on the way. I was happy for him, my parents' marriage was toxic. They fought more than they breathed, they were constantly putting me and my sister in this awkward situation to pick a side. I knew he was done with the marriage when I was 7 but he stayed for my sister and I's sake but when my sister turned 18 and I was 16 he finally filed for divorce and moved away. That was almost 2 years ago and mom still couldn't get over it.

"Mom, can we talk?" I asked, sitting on the couch across from her. I was nervously picking at my fingers and my lips were bleeding from how much I picked on them. Mom was the last person to tell. Dad knew and supported me, my sister knew all along and this was the last step.

"What Juliette." She sighed, rubbing her temple. What a good way to start this conversation.

"I have to tell you something before I leave." She rolled her eyes and looked at me waiting.

"Here we go again Juliette, always the dramatic one just spit it out." She yelled when I didn't start speaking right away.

"I'm a bisexual , which means I like boys and girls romantically." It was out there. Her face turned into a disgusted expression before she sighed.

"Juliette, all kids your age go through phases like this, you'll realize the nonsense you're saying soon enough." She smiled, content with her realization.

"No Mom, it's not like that I've known for a while."

"No, do not come to my house with this garbage. You are my daughter who has and always will like boys. You are going to marry a boy and bring him home. Do you understand me? I don't know where you got this devil garbage but I want it out of your mouth." She screamed. I knew she would react this way but having it be true just hurt even more.

how you get the girl- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now