15- i'm in love

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present; narrative

One thing I never got used to when I was home was how my mom chose to wake me up. Bright and early bursting into my room, opening the curtains to let the sun blind me. She had done it my whole childhood and even now as an adult I couldn't get more sleep than she thought I needed.

I had been here for a few days, it already felt like months but thankfully today I was spending the day with my sister and her boyfriend. We purposely planned for her boyfriend to be there so our mom would have no intentions of joining me.

"Are you sure I can't join you two, we can have a girls day" My mom suggested, staring me down as I tied my shoe. I was desperately trying to get out of this house as soon as I could.

"Nope, sorry mom" And with that I rushed out of the door. The second I was away from her I called Paige. In the past few days all my conversations with my girlfriend were short and I felt horrible about it. She picked up right away, almost letting out a breath she was holding.

"I'm so so sorry P" I apologized first, taking my time walking across the busy New York streets.

"I missed your voice" She ignored my apology. I could see why she said it though, when I was around my mom my voice sounded different. More nervous and high pitched.

"I miss you. God I miss your face and your laugh" I rambled, just mesmerized by the girl I couldn't stop thinking about from the moment I left her arms. Every thought I had was about her, even the simplest things that had nothing to do with Paige suddenly reminded me of her.

She laughed and my heart melted. Her laugh was my favorite noise on earth, if I could have it as my ringtone I would but she probably wouldn't be very happy about it.

"Tell me everything Julie." The excitement in her tone couldn't go unnoticed. My favorite part about being in love with someone was that you could tell them all the random details in your life. Update them on the smallest parts of your day and they would just smile and listen to you.

I talked about my trip so far, telling her about Luke from the airport to my mom's usual behavior. It was a beautiful sunny day in New York but I didn't even care to pay attention to anything but the girl on the other line. She told me how she was either at the gym or with the girls since I left. She was rambling on about how Azzi had woken her up by pulling the blanket that she used as a curtain off and blinding her, very similar to how my mom did not long ago.

Before I even realized I was standing outside my sister's familiar apartment complex. I had already contemplated walking backwards a bit to hear Paige's voice for longer but I was already late from how slow I was walking on the way here.

"I'm sorry P, I just got to my sister's. Can I call you later?" I asked, already dreading having to spend more time without her voice and her laugh.

"Obviously. Have fun, bye pretty" She hung up and I walked inside, finding my sister's apartment and letting myself in.

how you get the girl- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now