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Italics are Victoria's/Henry's thoughts

Italics are Victoria's/Henry's thoughts

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Victoria's POV:

It was the next day at 8:52 am. I knew Jane's time was soon. John was beheaded at 8:10, Edward at 8:30, their time had come, I watched the cleaners scrub the blood off of the scaffold. Jane was to be beheaded at 9:00. I had walked to a window in the palace where I could see the executions. I held Grace in my arms as she played with the puff of my sleeves on my dress.

Minutes passed as I anxiously awaited 9am. As I readjusted my hold on Grace, the bell went off. It had hit, 9am. I watched out the window as Jane was walked to the scaffold. I could see that she was pained at the sight of the axe.

She had her hair in a bun, the executioner had a blindfold and wrapped it around her eyes. He then laid her head down on the block. He picked up his axe and swung down, her neck decapitating in one clean blow.

I felt tears stream down my face as Grace let out a loud wail. As if she knew what had happened. I held her tightly against my heart as she wailed out as loud as her tiny lungs would let her. My ladies watched as I held Grace, a somber look on their faces. Grace's face was flooded with tears as I held her and cried along with her. I heard the bells go off again as the death of Jane was announced.

As minutes passed, Grace started to calm. I dried my face as, I walked into the royal nursery. I handed Grace to one of the nurses. I watched as she went to lay Grace back into her crib. I walked over to Nicholas's crib and stared at my brown eyed boy. Tufts of reddish brown hair peaked through his small curls. He was beautiful. My 3 month old son, already condemned to being King the moment he was known to be in my belly.

My hand touched my belly, would this child be as good as Nicholas? Would he be favored to? I knew that Nicholas would always be held over any other child of Henry's. It hurt my heart knowing I had condemned my children to this life but I could not change it now, I loved Henry. I turned took my leave from the nursery.

"Lady Amelia send for my sister, Lady Anna, u want to see her." I said, waving Amelia away. She nodded and bowed leaving to find my young sister. I made it back to my chambers and sat in my rocking chair the rest of my ladies followed in suite as they pulled up their stools to sit near me. "You all may go back to your activities." I told them. They nodded and got up to find whatever they had been doing.

"Lady Anna and Lady Amelia." I heard the announcer say. "Sister oh how I've missed you." I said, jumping up to hug her. She hugged back and laughed. "How is baby Tudor?" she asked, pointing towards my belly. "He is Judy great, I felt the first touch in the middle of the night!" I exclaimed. She smiled and grabbed my hands. "Let us sit, you must sit." She proclaimed, leading us to two seats.

"I was at the execution today. All three of them." Anna said. I shut my eyes as my memory flashed an image of Jane's head rolling to the ground. "Poor Grace." Anna whispered. "She is now like Lady Mary and Elizabeth, a bastard with no mother." I raised my hand as to silence her. "I will become a mother figure to all of them, they were innocent children, not the cause of the faults of their father and mothers." Atleast that is what Lady Mary has told me.

"I will cherish them until my last breath." I stated.

Poor baby Grace, also im sorry that these chapters are uploaded late, for some reason they were deleted and I couldn't find them and suddenly this morning wattpad randomly placed them back.

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