Chapter 11

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Meanwhile in the Watchtower

The Watchtower was in chaos.

It had been nine hours since the live broadcast broke and shocked the world. Nine hours since the Justice League realised they had missed something this big for almost eight years, and didn't know about it until a year after the situation had been solved by a group of heroes that they had never heard of.

Every screen in the meeting room was on, flashing snippets of information about the reign of Shadow Moth and the Court of Miracles. Videos of the battles and interviews, articles, websites and social media as their supercomputer compiled every bit of information it could find.

The room was filled with noise, a constant roar as everyone tried to be heard.

The magic users were together in a cluster; consulting books, grimoires, scrolls and each other in a confused panic as they tried to figure out what kind of magic it was.

They were muttering as they paced, wondering how they had missed magic of the magnitude Paris had witnessed when among them were some of the most powerful magic users on the planet; John Constantine, Zatanna, and Doctor Fate.

Other members of the Justice League tried to make sense of it in their own way, arguing, throwing theories around as they scrambled to come up with any sort of reason for how something this big had gone unnoticed, why they had missed it and the reason behind it all in the first place.

The only outliers were Batman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman.

Batman stood by himself, waiting for the super computer to finish so he could sort the information and start the process of following any leads he found to start answering the many questions he had. He was internally panicking about Isabella but shoved it down. First he'll dea with this then open that can of worms.

Bruce had been in a meeting with WE's board of directors when the broadcast happened.

His Brucie persona had been in full effect which had the unfortunate disadvantage of making the meeting go for longer than necessary, so he didn't find out about it until the meeting ended three hours over schedule.

When he finally left the meeting, he was crowded by a range of high-ranking members of staff and bombarded with questions about what they should do about Paris and someone called Shadow Moth.

Bruce didn't have a single clue what was going on and it became increasingly harder to maintain his patience and Brucie persona when all he wanted to do was shut them up and have only one of them to explain what was going on. Finally, Lucius Fox came to his rescue and showed him the broadcast.

The rest of the day was a complete clusterfuck.

He couldn't leave WE until he had sorted out what needed to be done within his company and spent hours on the phone with the head of the French branch of Wayne Enterprises, which was located in Paris, and barely managed to ask politely why he hadn't told him about the magical terrorist.

After hearing about the country wide NDA, and the fact that magic had been placed around the city by the local heroes to stop attacks and information from spreading, Bruce understood why the French branch of his company had said nothing. But he was still pissed, really pissed, not just because he wasn't told as the CEO, but because as Batman, he didn't have a single clue that what happened until a year later.

His title as the World's Greatest Detective had taken a blow. And so had his ego. His Isa was in a warzone and hadn't even known!

Bruce hadn't been able to escape the office until well after dark. He just made it home in time to change into his Batman gear and walk with Red Hood, Nightwing, and Robin into the zeta tube in time for the emergency meeting the Justice League had issued.

Isabella (Marinette) Martha WayneWhere stories live. Discover now