Chapter 14

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There was silence within the Watchtower as the Justice League and Young Justice, all of the leaguers sat mystified by the knowledge and the younger ones were openly gaping.

Lady Miracle- The Guardians are in charge of maintaining balance, not just on earth, but the entire universe. Coming on the topic of Wielders. When a proper Wielder is chosen, they are tested by a Guardian. While being healthy is important, it isn't about physicality, it is about their soul and who they are as a person. Chat Noir and Hercules were outliers. Chat was not a good person and Hercules was suffering from a mental disorder that was made worse when he wielded the Miraculous and it killed him. When the guardianship was transferred to me I found out that I was a True Soul or a Natural Soul.

All the magic users gasped as one. A natural soul was rare as they came. Only one was born every few eons. Raven dropped down from her hovering knelt before the warrior, her deep purple cloak billowing around her. "Lady Miracle," Raven said in awe, "Grand Guardian of the Miraculous, I greet you in the name of Azarath." On the other hand, Lady Miracle only seemed honoured by this greeting, as she smiled gently and pulled Raven to her feet. Apparently, as the Guardian of the Miraculous and a True Soul, she had magic that unholyly screamed, "Pure Power! Literally controls the space you live in! Bow!" Superman- Why was a child like you forced to fight a war?

Lady Miracle- Children die slower when Wielding a Miraculous compared to adults.

Flash- What!?

Lady Miracle- The Miraculous are the most powerful and ancient magical artefacts in the universe. They can technically be Wielded by anyone, no matter race, age or planetary origin, but only for a short amount of time otherwise you die. It takes a lot for someone to be able to handle a Miraculous and wielding it drains your life force. Children are more resilient; they last longer than adults because they have more life to give. An adult might make a year as a Wielder if they are really healthy while a child will make it three or four before they die.

Green Arrow- Then how are you alive?

Lady Miracle- As I stated before, I am a True Soul. I was meant to wear them. The previous Guardian was not aware of this though.

Black Canary- That sounds like a lot of responsibility for a child.

Lady Miracle- It is, but there was no one else. At the time, Noir was always goofing off. The old Guardian was the reason the old Order fell.

Wonder Woman- What did he do?

Lady Miracle- When the previous Grand Guardian was just a trainee, he stole the Miraculous of Emotion and took the other Miraculous as leverage to leave the Order with his memories, training and magic intact. He was greedy, power-hungry and stupid. He used the Miraculous of Emotion to create a Senti Creature that attacked the Order and it killed everyone, razing the Temple to the ground in the process. As he fled, he lost the Miraculous of Emotion and the Miraculous of Transmission and despite searching for them, never found them until they were activated years later by Gabriel and Emelie Agreste.

Green Lantern- If the Miraculous are powerful enough to raze the old Order of the Miraculous, send Atlantis sinking to the bottom of the ocean and do what happened in Paris, why are they used at all? Why not lock them up and keep them somewhere safe so no one can abuse their power?

Lady Miracle- The Miraculous are only used when there is an imbalance that cannot be fixed by the Guardian's alone or if there is a Miraculous being abused. Only a Wielder would be able to fix the damage caused and bring the other Miraculous back. Locking the Miraculous away is sound in theory, but the universe would suffer if they were locked away, the imbalance would be catastrophic.

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