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Dad asked me if he should accompany me to the campus. I rejected instantly, since I had plans already. 'Why?' he asked. 'Just because,' I said. 'Oh girl, are you sneaking out with someone?' Mom asked. 'Oh come on, I am just going there with Vaidehi. Nothing more, nothing less,' I said. 'Oh, just that? Why were you acting so stealthily?' Dad asked. 'Just for fun,' I replied and we all laughed.

'Hey, Rad,' I heard Vihaan's voice. 'Oh hi,' I said. 'There is a bus after ten minutes. Let's sit over there,' he said, pointing to the waiting shed. 'You can go now. I'll take care of her from now on,' I said. 'No way!' he said. 'Just leave already,' she said doughtily. 'Don't you dare to scare me away,' he said. 'Don't fight now. Let him do whatever he wants,' I said. 'Thanks Rad,' he said, giving me a smile. 'Don't be wreathed in smiles, she is your sister,' she said, and I burst into laughter. 'How many times have you told me this? You are crazy,' he said. 'That's what I should ask. How many times have I told you this? Still, you don't get it,' she said. 'Don't talk to him like that. You are making him feel bad,' I said. 'I am okay,' he said to me. 'Don't talk to me from now on,' he said to Vaidehi. 'That's too much okay? She is your sister,' I said. He shouted at me, saying sister is the stupidest word in English. I was like 'what the heck did I do?'

Bus arrived, and we got in. Surprisingly, he took a seat next to us. 'Vihaan, where are you going?' she asked him. 'I told you, don't talk to me,' he said angrily. 'Vihaan...' I called him. 'Yes, Rad,' he replied instantaneously. 'Where are you going?' I asked. 'I'll come with you. You are not familiar around that area. It's not good to let you both go alone,' he said. 'Oh, that so-called protective brother attitude,' I said. 'He is all talks, if someone speak little loudly, he'll run and stand a kilometer away. That's how he is,' she said. 'I told you once. Don't try to be friendly with me,' he said to her. 'I am not trying. Our relation can't be broken with words. It's blood relation. Do you hear's blood,' she said. 'Vaidehi, calm down. You are simply getting serious over nothing,' I told her as I felt she was making him angry. 'Don't mind her Rad,' he said. 'Now you side up with him. Are you on my side or his?' she asked. 'Is this election or something...that I should side with one of you only,' I got angry at her. 'See who is getting flushed now?' she asked. 'Let me tell you something. He is not that bad. Don't look down on him. I know you are just making fun of him. But one day, he saved me from some bad guys. Sometimes, all you need is brains, rather than power,' I told her, reminiscing about the incident that happened almost a half-decade ago. 'When did he? I was always with you. Why didn't I know about this?' she asked. I was about to reply and he said: 'Rad, don't say.' I suddenly stopped. 'You were absent that day. So you don't need to know,' he said. I also thought that it was better to keep it from her because if she knew that he threw water balloons at those boys who bullied me and grabbed my hand and ran down the alley, she'll call him stupid only. But whatever, he really saved me that day.

We reached there by 11 am. We got down the station and went into a small shop for a coffee. 'Rad, see who is that,' she said to me, pointing somewhere. I suddenly looked at the direction, and I was shocked. It's him again. 'Oh God, why am I so unfortunate?' my mind spoke. 'It's Reyansh, right?' I asked her. 'Of course. Who else is this handsome on this Earth? He is grown up and looks more charming,' she said. 'Oh,' I replied. 'Just that? What's wrong with you? Don't you remember how close we three were? Why aren't you happy at all, to see him again?' she asked. 'I am happy. Hahaha. Is that enough?' I asked her sarcastically. 'Rad, you are seriously insane,' she said, standing up from her chair. 'Where are you going?' I asked her. 'Of course, to greet my friend,' she said. 'Mm,' I replied. 'Are you coming?' she asked. 'No,' I replied. 'What's wrong Rad? Is there anything I don't know?' she asked. I started to feel bad, on just hearing that question. I admit the fact that we were close friends, back then. But ever since he rejected my confession, I hid from him like a mouse hiding from cat. That was too embarrassing. I kept it a secret from Vaidehi. I didn't want anyone in school to know about the incident. It was just a high school girl's ego. But still, if I say that to her now, she'll definitely think that I was intentionally keeping it from her. Plus, we three were like one soul with three bodies and I dared to think like that. I couldn't stop my feelings. But she might not understand it, because they two looked closer then.

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